Reader Comments for Janny Grein Dies

These are reader comments for the article 'Janny Grein Dies'

Reader Comments

Posted by Greg Whitehead in Sydney, Australia @ 13:27 on Nov 14 2012

For me this is a real shock, Janny was and is my all time favourite Christian music minister. God gifted her with a beautiful musical talent, coupled with her integrity to sing the scripture and not compromise on any lyrical content made her exceptional. Her first 4 albums “Free Indeed”, the classic “Covenant Woman”, “He Made Me Worthy” and the phenomenal “Think On These Things’ (all produced by Billy Ray Hearn) were by far the best you can ever hear in CCM. Her book “Called Appointed Anointed’” is one that any potential Christian Music minister MUST READ continually and carry it with their Bible. I have lost count of the number of times her songs helped and encouraged me to keep going and stand for God and His Word since 1976.
I thank God for Janny Grein and the great contribution that she made, (as I write this I am mourning the loss, which I haven’t experienced like this since the passing of Keith Green)
God bless you Janny.

Posted by K. Richart in Seattle, WA @ 01:07 on Nov 5 2012

As many have posted above, I too was thinking about Janny's music and came across the article of her passing. Her song "Stronger than Before" has ministered to a very broken heart of mine. Our Hope is in the Lord and it is pleasantly conveyed in her music! See you on the other side where we will worship together the King of Kings!

Posted by Rebecca Crane in Mobile, AL @ 04:38 on Oct 28 2012

Today is October 27, 2012. I got online today and was thinking about Janny so I looked up her name hoping to find some of her music. I first heard Bill and Janny in April 1979 at Lott Road Church in Eight Mile, AL. Fell in love with their music, folk style with words straight from God's Word! Have sung her songs for decades. You know how folks talk about taking things with them if they had to clear out of an area due to a hurricane or something like that? Well, I still have a cassette copy of that particular service. That tape is what I call "THE TAPE". THE ONE I would be sure I took with me if I could only take one tape with me. In fact, it is in a little gold bag right be the front door right now. I can sing those songs in my sleep. It is THE TAPE I treasure above all others. I love you, and will see you again in heaven. God bless.

Posted by Christine Gutierrez in San Antonio, Texas @ 04:12 on Sep 7 2012

I've just been brought to tears after just finding out about the passing of our dear sister. My husband and I were watching the concert from 2008 at the Community Bible Church and was feeling so blessed and encouraged. Truly I was also blessed and encouraged in 1982 or 83 at a Church on the southside where I first heard Janny sing. It was a time of my life being a baby Christian and on the verge of giving up. She started singing More than Conquerors as the Presence of the Lord began to permeate the whole Building. I'll never forget that day, after that I knew that I would make it together with Jesus in my life and heart. Thank you sooo much for being God's Heart and Voice to encourage His Children. You will be missed by many who love you!

Posted by Lars Kraft in Uppsala Sweden @ 20:44 on Aug 24 2012

also just found out about her death. Her songs really have the peace of God within them, and she also had a wonderful voice. Hmm, I hadn't thought about her and her songs for a long time, but having two young chior gentlemen from france (Colmar) visiting me this weekend somehow was reminded of Janny. She was a true blessing for me when, in 1985, I learned to know Jesus as my (our) saviour. I learned to play some of her songs, and I have continually used to play them for myself troughout the years. Thank you Janny! Thank you Jesus!

Posted by LYNN in ORE @ 21:07 on Jul 6 2012

Just googled for Janny and found out she's gone home. What a loss for us who were so blessed by this incredible gift! Like so many others, I'm so happy we will spend eternity together with her. Her music helped me thru so much in my life and I so identified with much of her music. I have used several of her songs in human videos and dance with our drama group. Such an annointing! Thank God for tapes and cds that keep her annointed music with us. Thank you, Father, Thank you, Janny.

Posted by howard conder in from London Uk, now Spain @ 13:33 on Jun 5 2012

I was listening to some music Janny recorded in my studio whilst I lived in Florida and was moved to get in touch with her so looked her up and just found out the sad news... so very sorry that this world has lost such an anointed singer songwriter for the Lord Jesus Christ.... I would appreciate hearing from Bill or someone to get permission to use her amazing tracks... God has used me to reach millions of dear folk through TV (Revelation TV) and i believe with all my heart that Janny`s music will be a blessing to many of our dear viewers.
I was privileged to record her album ¨Stronger Than Before" and another album which I dont know what it was eventually called ????

Anyway, though the woman of God be no longer with us, Janny´s music will live forever.

Much love and blessings to her family,
Howard xxx

Reply by chris in louisiana @ 21:05 on Nov 17 2012

would like to purchase janny cds especially anthology set...anyone can help me pls or 985-772-2830...

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Posted by Alisa Kaminski in Leesburg, FL @ 20:19 on Apr 19 2012

For some reason I was thinking about Janny today and thought I'd google her name. I didn't know she had passed away. In 1990 I went with her group to Europe. We went to Norway, Sweden, and Poland. It was an amazing experience. I was 20 yrs old and had never been that far away from home. Janny was annointed, during those concerts. I had never felt the presence of the Holy Spirit like I did during those few weeks. She had an impact on my life and I have not and will not ever forget her. I'm so thankful that God allowed me to have that experience and meet her.

Posted by Maggie Wilson in Adelaide, South Australia @ 08:06 on Mar 23 2012

Janny's songs sustained me through some very troubling and difficult times in my life. Songs such as 'More than conquerors - count it all joy' and 'By His word' have helped me get things back into perspective and reminded me in the midst of trouble and adversity that the Lord truly is our rock and deliverer. Thank you Janny for the blessing you were not only to my own life but many, many others. Her songs and legacy will continue to touch and bless many.

Posted by Mamie Clayton in Los Angeles @ 14:15 on Feb 14 2012

Just listened to Janny's Covenant Woman and decided to look her up on the net & found out about her homegoing. I had to comment - many years ago when my daughter was about 7 years old (now 41), I found Janny's 1st 3 cassettes. We have continuously been divinely blessed, encouraged, comforted, strengthened and made glad by her anointed music. I also read her book (CAA.) I too will be in her choir in the age to come. Love and Blessings to her family,
In Christ,

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