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Article Title: Janny Grein Dies
Author of reported comment: Rebecca Crane
Comment Date: 04:38 on Oct 28 2012
Comment: Today is October 27, 2012. I got online today and was thinking about Janny so I looked up her name hoping to find some of her music. I first heard Bill and Janny in April 1979 at Lott Road Church in Eight Mile, AL. Fell in love with their music, folk style with words straight from God's Word! Have sung her songs for decades. You know how folks talk about taking things with them if they had to clear out of an area due to a hurricane or something like that? Well, I still have a cassette copy of that particular service. That tape is what I call "THE TAPE". THE ONE I would be sure I took with me if I could only take one tape with me. In fact, it is in a little gold bag right be the front door right now. I can sing those songs in my sleep. It is THE TAPE I treasure above all others. I love you, and will see you again in heaven. God bless.
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