Reader Comments for Janny Grein Dies

These are reader comments for the article 'Janny Grein Dies'

Reader Comments

Posted by kathy in nj @ 23:25 on Jan 23 2012

As a teenager growing up her music inspired me. I am so sorry to hear of her passing. I have been searching for a place to get her music on CD. If anyone knows where to get it please let me know.

Reply by Kim in Midwest @ 08:17 on Jun 4 2012

I was a good friend of Janny's. Some of her music is still available on itunes and Her website no longer works for ordering products.

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Posted by R.B. in San Antonio, TX @ 05:48 on Jan 14 2012

I have been a Bible student and an active believer in the verse in 2 Tim 4:5 which says "But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry." Durring a very difficult time in my walk in fellowship, I stumbled across a tape someone made for me with We've Been Made More than Conquerers and Count it all Joy. I just thought about it last week during another struggle. I found it tonight and found tears in my eyes.

I am so thankful for her life and what she did for mine. I will miss her.

While others trying to perform Christian music water things down and focus on themselves, Janny delivered the Word of God in all of it's glory with this song. What a Woman of God!

Posted by Alphonse in Accra Ghana @ 20:02 on Nov 30 2011

May her sool rest in peace .
She was my favourite gospel artiste. Especially with her album Stronger than before. Songs like we are the victors,lion of judah,my Lord Jesus etc.. still sing in my head.

Posted by Charlotte A. Fortier in Lakeside, AZ @ 21:20 on Oct 19 2011

Just read of Janny's passing. Though I never knew her personally, her songs touched something very deep in my soul and led me into deeper worship of the Lord. God bless you and your family, and please know that her legacy of exalting God's Word in music will continue to inspire and encourage many.

Posted by Bruce Gabriel in Clayton,Al @ 03:24 on Oct 18 2011

A friend gave me a copy of,"Covenant Woman," in '77...It was the first music with an anointing on it that tore prison doors open, and loosed chains of bondage, I'd ever heard! I still have it, and listen to it!
"Higher up and farther in," Bill and Janny! Your adventure has just begun!! lol!

Posted by Brian Hamilton-Grein in Tampa, Florida @ 00:35 on Sep 27 2011

WOW! So many wonderful comments about my mom. This is really encouraging to know the impact she has had. God bless each of you in Jesus name

Reply by Deena in Alexandria VA @ 23:42 on Oct 12 2011

I'm shocked and in tears as I JUST listened to your mom's anthology today. I was feeling down and I thought let's play Janny. Believe me my mood suddenly turned to joy. I was going to get a few more CDs to give as gifts and when I looked at Facebook I saw the news. She is indeed singing in heaven along with my dad, husband, mom and father -inLaw. Wow. I will pray for you and your family.

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Reply by Jamie in Florida @ 03:52 on Oct 4 2011

Brian, your mom touched many lives including mine. Her song Praise Him, got me through some difficults times and I am forever grateful to her. God Bless you !!

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Posted by Kathy McGuire in Florida @ 01:40 on Sep 19 2011

This is a loss to the world, not just those who serve God. She reached out to nonbelievers as well. Her book changed my life and I continuously recommend it to singers and musicians all of the time. After pulling up her book today on Bing for an artist, I found out about Janny being called home to heaven. I cannot wait to join her in the heavenly choir. My prayers are with her husband.

Posted by James Crowson in McAlester, Ok. @ 22:35 on Sep 5 2011

I shall never forget the deep impact that Bill and Janny made on the church I once pastored in Atoka, Oklahoma. They came frequently and they were always willing to meet us where we were and to call us higher in God. They provided us with such support throughout the late 80's and early 90's. My heart sad and glad. Sad that a true worshiper has left us but glad that her faith has become sight. May God surround my friend Bill with the grace that He promises is more than enough.

God bless,

James Crowson

Posted by Pastor TonyPalmisano in Sunrise Fl @ 13:33 on Aug 18 2011

i just found out that Janny Died last evening, i am deeply sad and yet knowing Janny she already has a studio set up in heaven and is passionately worshiping the one she gave her life to serving.
i Met Janny and Bill in Germany over 20 years ago and had them in our church to minister numerous time.
though i haven't seen her in a few years she continued to be a good friend. phone and email.
the earth has lost a truly wonderful person but heaven has gained. Love you Janny, see you soon.

Posted by TRACY BERTONE in NEW JERSEY @ 11:46 on Aug 17 2011

I am deeply saddened by this news! Janny Grein's music was the very 1st music I have ever heard becoming a new christian! I had attended "Living Praise Church" About 12 Ago & Janny was there will her husband Bill! When She sang "Storm Of Glory" The Presence of God Overtook That Sanctuary & The Glory of the Lord was there! I Then seen Janny in NJ For Her Son Brian's Wedding! In Caldwell NJ Shopping! We Talked a bit & She Said she was so Happy & to send Her Love to my Pastor where I now attend Church! God Bless Your whole family! Janny will be Greatly, Greatly Missed, But Her Legacy of Love & Power of The Holy Ghost Shall Live On Forever! With My Deepest Sympathy, Ms. Tracy Alexis Bertone

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