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Article Title: Janny Grein Dies
Author of reported comment: Christine Gutierrez
Comment Date: 04:12 on Sep 7 2012
Comment: I've just been brought to tears after just finding out about the passing of our dear sister. My husband and I were watching the concert from 2008 at the Community Bible Church and was feeling so blessed and encouraged. Truly I was also blessed and encouraged in 1982 or 83 at a Church on the southside where I first heard Janny sing. It was a time of my life being a baby Christian and on the verge of giving up. She started singing More than Conquerors as the Presence of the Lord began to permeate the whole Building. I'll never forget that day, after that I knew that I would make it together with Jesus in my life and heart. Thank you sooo much for being God's Heart and Voice to encourage His Children. You will be missed by many who love you!
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