Reader Comments for Moral Failure

These are reader comments for the article 'Moral Failure'

Reader Comments

Posted by Messenger777 in Salem Nj @ 16:54 on Jun 5 2009

Why was this issue made public? Why was his personal life put on blast on their web site? Why did the letter from John Wells seem like The Cross Movement is without sin? This situation disgust me to my souls core. There is no reason that Duces personal life should have been made public like this. This is why the world mock christianity because of the holier then thou mentality. God forbid that someone slips up and is HUMAN. Is this how we handle these situations? By publicly outting fellow brethren! Christians are Christians worse enemies. I encourage Wells, Brady, Life, Manny and anyone else to come to me for my detailed opinion. As a former member of Cross Movement I would have no problem expressing my disappointment in their recent actions.

(formerly of CM and Raiderz of the Lost)

Reply by Love Lei in Atlanta, GA @ 12:47 on Mar 14 2012

When you are a pubic minister or in ministry, we the people look to you and the gifts that you share with us. We look to your gift as another means of our guide and walk in life. So if you "fall short" then the exposer they receive is a part of that calling they have. What we should do as followers of Christ is pray for them and keep them uplifted. Dont get all mad because his personal life is out there. He put it out there when he sung praises about it, he fell short as we ALL do and now he is BACK ON THE SCENE!!! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!

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Reply by Julius Woodard in Savannah, Ga @ 01:34 on Oct 8 2009

I agree with you man. I dont' think Ambas business should be on blast like that. Our first duty is to LOVE GOD and to LOVE OUR NEIGHBORS as OURSELVES. I guarantee that if it was any one of them they wouldn't want their business on blast. We as Christians are supposed to, yes rebuke, but then restore that person who fell. Why do people say that if your sin is public you have to sit down. I understand that a minister's reputation should not be ill spoken of, but if that's the case we ALL need to sit because we ALL struggle with something. Whether it's anger, a wrong attitude, murder, or infidelity. In God's eyes there is NO difference in sin. There is only a difference in MAN's eyes. If Amba truly has a repented heart, then who is man to say he is not right with the Father. Yes there is a process of repentance, but his business should be on blast.

So, I pray that His relationship with his wife and family, and his brethren be restored one hundred fold. God is a God who can do exceeding and abundantly above ALL we can ask or think. Amba, I'll still support you man. Be encouraged. One love.

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Reply by veritaslogos in OHIO @ 08:45 on Jul 31 2009

Messenger/enoch or cruz, as a former member of one of, scratch that, the most biblically-sound Christian group out there, I'm surprised by your lack of scriptural observation. Christians aren't supposed to judge? John 7:24, 1Cor. 5:9-13, heck Matt 7 when read all the way through and thus properly understood. One the one hand you say you shouldn't judge and point fingers, however it's obvious you yourself don't believe this:

"One day that whole mentality of yours will be blown apart when you are responsible for turning away souls due to your arrogance."

Or is that not judging?I guess that's a different kind of judging? Oh, or it's different when YOU do it; i guess i'm pointing fingers again. The truth is we (yes, you too) make judgements all the time, and that's not a bad thing entirely. The Bible tells us to make sound, righteous judgements for our own good both individually and corporately as Christians and in this instance CMR did just that, following biblical principles.

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Posted by Louise Goings in Dillon South Carolina @ 12:47 on May 23 2009

I understand that he needs time to repent and be restored, but why do you need to drop him from the record label? He does not have to produce records, but you could support his restoration and show love and concern. Distancing yourself from someone who falls is like saying you are the voice of God and you are not. You need to be there so when he has fixed it with God, not just you, he can cointinue to be a blessing. Your judgment is too harsh. Help him.

Reply by DAVE(TRIUMPH)RIVERA in cali @ 02:57 on Jul 21 2009

so in such instances should we sin again does god distence him self from us i think not its times like that god pulls us closer if it where that way that if somone where to get caught up in sin or mess up we should soon distence our selves if there was no seeking of repentence then so be it but 15 years serving the church god and people we soon forget what and how much our god has compassion forgivness washes clean but to the church its not that easy but to god you ask once and he forgets and washes it clean no matter what sin it might be religon has made us hard and forget that thing arnt much different in our own lives we all have struggles as he does every day i leave you with this quote from everyday process "im not sinless i just sinless" if it wasnt for the ambassabor i would be dead in sin.

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Reply by Deb in Syracuse, NY @ 16:49 on Jun 3 2009

It is as correct for Cross Movement Records to terminate their involvement and promotion of William,
aka The Ambassador, as it is for the church to call for his resignation as assistant Pastor. Anyone who is caught in moral compromise has to be separated from the group to insure the purity of the larger group - both in practice and in appearance. While it is, and should be, a painful decision to make - it is the loving an biblical thing to do. The Cross Movement has not withdrawn their love and support, and many or all of these young men are probably intimately involved with the repentance and restoration process. Yet, when we don't administer biblical practices of discipline against sinning brothers, we are acting as if our love and wisdom, is higher than that of the Lord, who has given us clear instructions in his word. Real love does the hard things for the good of all. Particularly, because of the public nature of The Ambassadors ministry, often being the spokesperson for Cross Movement, and his level of authority at Epiphany Fellowship - he has to be dealt with thoroughly, and that includes removing his harmful influence from the organizations to which he belongs.
If he genuinely repents, and the restoration process is complete and successful - he may, at a later time, be able to be reconciled to the group and the label. That should be our prayer, as well as for purity in the lives of all who call on the name of the Lord, but particularly our men and leaders - as they are targeted more aggressively by the enemy of our souls.

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Reply by Candice Benbow in North Carolina @ 14:48 on Jun 1 2009

Just because they released him from the label doesn't mean that they aren't praying for him and being supportive in his restoration. The reality is that's the best way to be supportive. This was an extremely difficult decision for them, I'm sure, and was a decision that they didn't do without Ambassador knowing about. But more than this being a business, this is a ministry. Every action has a consequence. Ungodly actions have consequences that hurt. Being removed from a label that you were with since inception has to hurt. But CMR has a responsibility to God and the Body of Christ to remain committed to their call of discipleship. This was a tough decision but I know God is pleased that they made it.

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