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Article Title: Moral Failure
Author of reported comment: veritaslogos
Comment Date: 08:45 on Jul 31 2009
Comment: Messenger/enoch or cruz, as a former member of one of, scratch that, the most biblically-sound Christian group out there, I'm surprised by your lack of scriptural observation. Christians aren't supposed to judge? John 7:24, 1Cor. 5:9-13, heck Matt 7 when read all the way through and thus properly understood. One the one hand you say you shouldn't judge and point fingers, however it's obvious you yourself don't believe this: "One day that whole mentality of yours will be blown apart when you are responsible for turning away souls due to your arrogance." Or is that not judging?I guess that's a different kind of judging? Oh, or it's different when YOU do it; i guess i'm pointing fingers again. The truth is we (yes, you too) make judgements all the time, and that's not a bad thing entirely. The Bible tells us to make sound, righteous judgements for our own good both individually and corporately as Christians and in this instance CMR did just that, following biblical principles.
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