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Article Title: Moral Failure
Author of reported comment: Deb
Comment Date: 16:49 on Jun 3 2009
Comment: It is as correct for Cross Movement Records to terminate their involvement and promotion of William, aka The Ambassador, as it is for the church to call for his resignation as assistant Pastor. Anyone who is caught in moral compromise has to be separated from the group to insure the purity of the larger group - both in practice and in appearance. While it is, and should be, a painful decision to make - it is the loving an biblical thing to do. The Cross Movement has not withdrawn their love and support, and many or all of these young men are probably intimately involved with the repentance and restoration process. Yet, when we don't administer biblical practices of discipline against sinning brothers, we are acting as if our love and wisdom, is higher than that of the Lord, who has given us clear instructions in his word. Real love does the hard things for the good of all. Particularly, because of the public nature of The Ambassadors ministry, often being the spokesperson for Cross Movement, and his level of authority at Epiphany Fellowship - he has to be dealt with thoroughly, and that includes removing his harmful influence from the organizations to which he belongs. If he genuinely repents, and the restoration process is complete and successful - he may, at a later time, be able to be reconciled to the group and the label. That should be our prayer, as well as for purity in the lives of all who call on the name of the Lord, but particularly our men and leaders - as they are targeted more aggressively by the enemy of our souls.
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