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Article Title: Moral Failure
Author of reported comment: DAVE(TRIUMPH)RIVERA
Comment Date: 02:57 on Jul 21 2009
Comment: so in such instances should we sin again does god distence him self from us i think not its times like that god pulls us closer if it where that way that if somone where to get caught up in sin or mess up we should soon distence our selves if there was no seeking of repentence then so be it but 15 years serving the church god and people we soon forget what and how much our god has compassion forgivness washes clean but to the church its not that easy but to god you ask once and he forgets and washes it clean no matter what sin it might be religon has made us hard and forget that thing arnt much different in our own lives we all have struggles as he does every day i leave you with this quote from everyday process "im not sinless i just sinless" if it wasnt for the ambassabor i would be dead in sin.
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