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Article Title: Moral Failure
Author of reported comment: Julius Woodard
Comment Date: 01:34 on Oct 8 2009
Comment: I agree with you man. I dont' think Ambas business should be on blast like that. Our first duty is to LOVE GOD and to LOVE OUR NEIGHBORS as OURSELVES. I guarantee that if it was any one of them they wouldn't want their business on blast. We as Christians are supposed to, yes rebuke, but then restore that person who fell. Why do people say that if your sin is public you have to sit down. I understand that a minister's reputation should not be ill spoken of, but if that's the case we ALL need to sit because we ALL struggle with something. Whether it's anger, a wrong attitude, murder, or infidelity. In God's eyes there is NO difference in sin. There is only a difference in MAN's eyes. If Amba truly has a repented heart, then who is man to say he is not right with the Father. Yes there is a process of repentance, but his business should be on blast. So, I pray that His relationship with his wife and family, and his brethren be restored one hundred fold. God is a God who can do exceeding and abundantly above ALL we can ask or think. Amba, I'll still support you man. Be encouraged. One love.
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