Reader Comments for Troubled Times For Hammond

These are reader comments for the article 'Troubled Times For Hammond'

Reader Comments

Posted by blessed in kentucky @ 00:14 on Sep 7 2007

Minister Hammond..Please keep your hand in the Lords and hand....and The Lord will not leave you alone..He will help you through and on the other side is a greater reward for all you have been through. I do understand how it feels for you and your spouse to be going down two different paths. I am in a situation now,but i know God will work it out !!! One important thing i want to say to you and others. Wait on God to give you your spouse. I picked mine and he fit for a time, but then it went all wron. Fred wait on the Lord...and women God will send you a husband .....He is God let Him do the finding because He can see things that we can't....May God Bless You even the more!!!

Posted by dapo kehinde in nigeria @ 11:22 on Aug 22 2007

for God alone knows the thots he has for you plans to do u good and not too harm u,to give a hope and a future.God is with u and he will heal your wounds.keep on doin the good work, you"ve really been an inspiration

Posted by vic in san antonio @ 00:46 on Aug 16 2007

i have loved the message God has put in your heart and soul. i lived in Turkey (a.k.a) asia minor for 2 years and it was the first time i had ever heard your voice and message. Man....i went throught the blackest of times when i was overseas. God kindness and merci allowed me to see you in concert at family praise center in san antionio. God has wonderful surprises and gifts for his children and my gift was seeing you because you know how to praise HIM. you introduced your son and nieces and nephews on stage....that was so sweet.
your music about our magnificent Lord has blessed me. I praise him. when you were on stage i didnt sit down not once....i knew all the words to all the A flat and E flat.
God bless your family, your staff, and the members (RFC can ya hear me....turn the mike up) of your group.
I am sorry to hear about your divorce.


Posted by patricia in london, uk @ 21:25 on Aug 15 2007

This is the first time i have become aware of this sad news along with Hezekiah walker and Yolanda Adams - doesn't anyone discern the cancerous attack that the enemy is being allowed to perpertrate among the people of God, namely the covenant of holy matriomony? I enjoy these artistes music and was some of the first sounds i heard as a new born christian. The Lord God must be more than the songs they so elqu sing about He has the power to save all things if you so desire. Pray for His wisdom.

Posted by Stanley in miramar fl @ 02:19 on Aug 14 2007

Hello Fred this is your boy from Fl i have known about the situation 4 a long time now. i have prayed me and my family since the beginning we have followed your ministry since u played bass 4 the Winans and i have been blessed by your ministry. U were my man because u were one only singer that would not compromise your gift 4 anything i pray that God puts this thing back 2gether. in a great fall like this u lose something like King David when he wanted that mans wife and had him put on the front line 2 be killed he lost that baby from that woman. But one thing King David new how 2 do was get back in the presence of God and i no u no how 2 do that but my pray is that u lose nothing but gain a new found love 4 your wife Kim because i believe 2 born again believers who have truly had a incounter with my Load and Savior Jesus Christ will find away love u bro no this is different from the other messages but i love u and the Kingdom needs u

Reply by Katina in SC @ 03:34 on Aug 15 2007

I agree. God can and will restore your marriage.

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Posted by Craig in Maryland @ 20:37 on Aug 7 2007

There is a filling that is sure to come! You've poured until it hurt. You've (including your wife) even sacrified more than we should even know. You've reached empty. NOW, it's time for a filling and fulfilling that you've never experienced. I'm no prophet and God didn't give me no divine revelation, but I'm spiritual enought to see.

Prepare yourself. God's going to pour HIMSELF into your until you can't stand it. Your divorce is none of mine or anyones business. I'm praying and expecting God to continue to move on your behalf.

Posted by kay in wisconsin @ 00:10 on Aug 5 2007

no wonder your music is so authentic. you are. thank you for being so vulnerable and letting it come through y

Posted by Daynea Bowes in Jamaica @ 22:17 on Jul 29 2007

Fred keep holding unto God because as many of your songs have said he is faithful. I am going through a hard time now myself and u have been helping me see what God has said to me. THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR FAITHFULNESS TO GOD

Posted by Leann in Contra Costa, CA @ 19:20 on Jul 28 2007

Well, I just got married but i did go through a tough situation is a previous "relationship" all I can say is that NOONE has the the right to judge...NO ONE!!! People that feel "pained" truly need to start focusing on their own lives and what area in their lives "pain" God and leave other peoples lives to be...If you feel a pain because you are sharing the pain that this brother feels than thank God for giving you a humble heart and pray for him...Don't kick him while he is down...because if God did not find grace in him , Fred Hammond would not be the blessing that he is in so many different levels...Fred Hammond is a vessel...a vessel that God can make, break and put back together....treat him the way you want to be treated had this been your situation...I truly pray that God continues to Bless Fred Hammond and that all the people that use this to speak words of condemnation towards him, or words full of pain and negativity that God shines his light on you to have at least a little bit or revelation and mercy just as God did to ALL of us....Fred are and incredible blessing to my life and the life of my husband...keep your eyes on the prize...Jesus....that your past be an experience not a condemnation....

Posted by Billy Williams in Jacksonville Florida @ 00:54 on Jun 30 2007


I can not explain how you have assisted in molding my life into the image of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I hope that you will continue to be inspired and led by the Holy sprit to write heartfilled songs to the Lord. You helped me not to kill myself one night. I love you my brother and so does Jesus. keep on fighting the good fight. please read psalms 56:12-13

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