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Article Title: Troubled Times For Hammond
Author of reported comment: vic
Comment Date: 00:46 on Aug 16 2007
Comment: i have loved the message God has put in your heart and soul. i lived in Turkey (a.k.a) asia minor for 2 years and it was the first time i had ever heard your voice and message. Man....i went throught the blackest of times when i was overseas. God kindness and merci allowed me to see you in concert at family praise center in san antionio. God has wonderful surprises and gifts for his children and my gift was seeing you because you know how to praise HIM. you introduced your son and nieces and nephews on stage....that was so sweet. your music about our magnificent Lord has blessed me. I praise him. when you were on stage i didnt sit down not once....i knew all the words to all the A flat and E flat. God bless your family, your staff, and the members (RFC can ya hear me....turn the mike up) of your group. I am sorry to hear about your divorce. vic
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