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Article Title: Troubled Times For Hammond
Author of reported comment: Stanley
Comment Date: 02:19 on Aug 14 2007
Comment: Hello Fred this is your boy from Fl i have known about the situation 4 a long time now. i have prayed me and my family since the beginning we have followed your ministry since u played bass 4 the Winans and i have been blessed by your ministry. U were my man because u were one only singer that would not compromise your gift 4 anything i pray that God puts this thing back 2gether. in a great fall like this u lose something like King David when he wanted that mans wife and had him put on the front line 2 be killed he lost that baby from that woman. But one thing King David new how 2 do was get back in the presence of God and i no u no how 2 do that but my pray is that u lose nothing but gain a new found love 4 your wife Kim because i believe 2 born again believers who have truly had a incounter with my Load and Savior Jesus Christ will find away love u bro no this is different from the other messages but i love u and the Kingdom needs u
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