Reader Comments for Troubled Times For Hammond

These are reader comments for the article 'Troubled Times For Hammond'

Reader Comments

Posted by eze in ga @ 14:32 on Feb 13 2012

Fred, I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, and sometimes only God knows what that reason is. We have an option to accept defeat, or face the enemy knowing that this battle doesn`t belong to you. Remember this, the lord hasn`t not forgotten the works of your labor. stay focused bro.

Posted by June in United Kingdom @ 01:32 on Feb 8 2012

l now that the right thing to say is "lm sorry" to hear about your pain, and coming from the same experience, this phrase can often become cynical. But l can truly say that l understand your pain..... no one gets married to later end in the divorce courts. Having gone through the anguish of divorce myself, l can see that God has got a better plan and ALL THINGS ARE WORKING FOR YOUR GOOD !!..even things that you cannot see.

Your recent album love God & Romance was birthed out of your own personal experiences, which has now propelled you on a kudos to be reckoned with. You have inspired me with your brutal yet tongue and cheek honest! Dont lose it - transparency is what is needed in the kingdom. Stay strong !! remember your an investment in the kingdom and God always look after his investments :)

Posted by Robert Easter in Chicago, IL @ 04:53 on Feb 5 2012

Bro Fred I read about your incureable diease I saw you in Chicago the pass few months. I was a dibetic and yet on dialises. I want to tell you about what I did to reverse dibeties and high blood pressure. Send me your e-mail and I will send you the information that I have documented.

Posted by Jonathan Waziri Wize in Abuja, Nigeria @ 19:08 on Dec 29 2011

Dear Fred, I deeply share in your pain but I'm sure that as you know, God has the best for you even at this time. I pray He makes you stronger for the greater heights ahead. We will always love and appreciate you, come what may because you are a blessing to the world indeed. Kindly continue as you've always done. May God's grace be much more than sufficient for you always.

Posted by Empress Pauline in Detroit @ 01:40 on Dec 11 2011

Marriage breakups within the body of Christ is further evidence of the shifting going on, pointing to the end of the age. The Kingdom of God will not hold the adulterous Christian who knowingly spit in the face of grace and saddened the Holy Spirit. I tell these Christian adulterers go on marry and be given in marriage because you will never enter in.

Posted by READ in Washington, D.C. @ 10:28 on Nov 7 2011

This article was written in 2004. So why are people in 2011 telling Fred to work it out? He has been divorced since 2004. That was seven years ago!! Reading is fundamental children if God! Read with understanding.. This is why we get tossed to and fro with different doctrines.

Posted by Munyori in Nairobi @ 19:34 on Oct 20 2011

This is a spiritual lesson that will be an encouragement for many. The blessings and His anointing over your life is evident and continue to be seen. You are still ih His plan Brother, hold fast to his calling. You have been a blessing to me for many years now.

Posted by victor reuben in Nigeria @ 13:00 on Oct 11 2011

Fred,words cant express what you mean to me.For over 15 years you've been an inspiration,motivator and mentor.It hurts to imagine how much pain you've been through.Your songs strengthened me to go through the darkest points in my life.Please encourage yourself in the Lord.I love you beyond words.

Posted by Linda Watson in Milwaukee, Wisconsin @ 16:31 on Sep 23 2011

I just wanted to say "God Bless" and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.I feel a sense of sadness everytime I hear about a family seperating.I recently had a breakup of 20 years with my highschool sweetheart and we have two teenage children. I never thought I would ever experience so much pain or cry so many tears, but in all my trials and tribulations I remember that Jesus is in control and that I will prevail! Hold pn to God's unchanging hand, he's giving me power as I walk with him daily,wiping all my tears away, and letting me know that its okay to love because he is love.

Posted by K Settles in Olney, MD @ 15:42 on Sep 8 2011

I'm praying for the entire Body of Christ which is on display as an example before a lost and dying world. I'm praying that we can show them The Way. Jesus put up with horrendous pain so that we could be saved. He forgave us of all of our sins and asked us to forgive those who trespass against us as He does for us. I am married to the same man for 36 years but it is ONLY by The Grace of God. He will keep you. I am praying more and more of us will fight the good fight of faith so that our testimony will help others to overcome. With God all things are possible. Love, PK

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