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Article Title: Troubled Times For Hammond
Author of reported comment: June
Comment Date: 01:32 on Feb 8 2012
Comment: l now that the right thing to say is "lm sorry" to hear about your pain, and coming from the same experience, this phrase can often become cynical. But l can truly say that l understand your pain..... no one gets married to later end in the divorce courts. Having gone through the anguish of divorce myself, l can see that God has got a better plan and ALL THINGS ARE WORKING FOR YOUR GOOD !!..even things that you cannot see. Your recent album love God & Romance was birthed out of your own personal experiences, which has now propelled you on a kudos to be reckoned with. You have inspired me with your brutal yet tongue and cheek honest! Dont lose it - transparency is what is needed in the kingdom. Stay strong !! remember your an investment in the kingdom and God always look after his investments :)
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