Reader Comments for Troubled Times For Hammond

These are reader comments for the article 'Troubled Times For Hammond'

Reader Comments

Posted by Stephanie baker @ 01:11 on Sep 8 2011

This was a great motivator for me. We sometimes forget that musicians, rappers, actors,actress are human beings also they go through trials and tribulations also so let's not be surprise when we read about them having marriage problems, job problems, or inc.

Posted by Carolyn Bailey in Southern California @ 04:09 on Aug 13 2011

Minister Fred,

I've followed your anointed ministry since Commissioned. I know you and your family are God fearing, committed individuals. I have just celebrated 17 years with my husband and hope to see more. My heart hurt when I saw the popup in google regarding your divorce. I pray you 2 work it out and I hope your anointing is not hindered in this decision. If it is still your desire to reconcile my husband and I will stand with you! Shalom

Posted by James Smith in new orleans @ 20:10 on Jul 29 2011

Dear Fred,Om presantly going through a divorce ,and I know that fhis didnt come as a surprise to The Most High.All I can see is where I was wronged but I realized that when we hurt for the temporary things we have leaned our resource like it was our sauce source and being that the women is the weaker vessel the serpents attack never changed he shows something pleasant to the eyes and good for wisdom .Dont allow her to bring you to the surface stay submerged under the spirit in yhe secret place of the most high through CHRIST. Some mountains are moved with fasting and prayer.Delight thyself in the eyes of the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Posted by Tony in Litchfield Arizona @ 22:03 on Jul 22 2011

Fred, I had the same experiance and the same thoughts. The story of Job in the Bible helped me understand God is in control. When Jobs wife told him to cures God and die besides lossing everything. The end of the story says he went from being one of the riches man in the Land to the richest man in the land and his daughters were the most beautiful in all the land . What changed ? It was the same guy, Job but a defferent girl ...... God will restore all that was lost for he is a faithfull God.

Posted by IBE UKOHA in NIGERIA @ 14:36 on Jul 19 2011

Fred, this is really difficult for you. As for people like me who love you beyond measures, all we can do is pray for you. Listen to your spirit, God is speaking. Know what he says and do it. I love you bro....forever

Posted by Isaiah in Nigeria @ 00:19 on Jul 19 2011

Fred, you are my favourite.your music touches me deeply everytime I play it but what you are going through right now makes me so sad that I wonder and ask question, why do bad things happen to good and great people? so I really want to encourge you to keep your eyes on Jesus,he is right there for you though friends and Loved ones may leave you,he will always stay.

Posted by slodans in kd Nigeria @ 22:36 on Jul 15 2011

You' ve always been a blessing to me over ten years now. I've never been married but I know how it hurts to loose someone you love while they are still walking alive. most especially if you can't really explain what went wrong, what you can do to fix it. It really hurts. But trials come every day and our father in heaven will never allow anything we can't handle come near us. He (God) knows us more than we know ourselves He has our "blue print". He knew us even before we were formed. So when pain comes He knows it won't stop us. Just as your song goes, 'get LOST in Jesus' anytime you feel you can't handle it. Lots of Love.

Posted by Brent in Bahamas @ 15:11 on Jul 9 2011

Dear Bro .Fred , loved your music from 'Commissioned' and definitely ecstatic with your solo career , brother divorce is one of the hardest things to go through esp[ecially when you are not initiating it ..i myself have not remarried after ten years because i am not clear what the scriptures say but the pain will go away ..keep on writings , producing and singing bro are a blessings to millions!

Posted by annita ashiom in ghana @ 18:22 on Jun 30 2011

i just discouvered and felt in love with your music lately (2010). a friend just pass me yr cds to listen to 3 days ago and 2day 30/06/11 i'am trying to know more about u on the net. It was such a so big disapointment for me to read you have divorced . Jesus said it is because of our stuborn heart God had allow divorce if not it was not so. please, u can not tell me u are on 2 different streets. it was not so. how can 2 people walk togother except they agree? what happend? aswer youselves. if u remain divorce or remary someone else,your music will be fine, sweet voice(the gift of God is without repentance the world will now fancy it and enjoy it because it will not carry the anoiting of God and purity and hollyness. I love u, go back to her, God will bark u.u can do all things.... satan has not yet prevailed, it is not too late, agree with God and good shall come to you. stay bless. I will bear u in my prayers.he that think he is standing..... God has the final say.let me hear a good news in Jesus name.

Posted by abraham ogbeba in nigeria @ 23:02 on Jun 21 2011

fred go back to your wife or u will have a question to answer God. I know it is had but God can fix everything. If u don't go back u disobey ur God word the bible. See fred if u don't fight the satan ur next marriage will was due to expirience of my uncle, he is his regreting now

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