Reader Comments for Troubled Times For Hammond

These are reader comments for the article 'Troubled Times For Hammond'

Reader Comments

Posted by Sonja Harvey McCoy in Tampa, Florida @ 18:18 on Jan 17 2013

I heard "No Weapon......" for the first time last night. I cried. So did my son. We have had some rough times in the last few years. I told my son this man has been through something as he sangs with much emotion. God is using you. Thank you....I've been keeping those words in my mind all the day"NO WEAPON Form Against Me Shall prosper. Funny how you can read something, hear people preach on the same something, yet a song can minister more than anything else.

Posted by Renee Graham in Atlanta, GA @ 20:53 on Jan 14 2013

Fred I've followed your music mintry back to Commissiioned, and no matter what season I was in The Lord always annointed you with a healing melody for my situation and His grace enabled me in every situation. All the countless times your music brought healing to millions of lives I pray and know this to will pass. When I first heard of your divorce I was heartbroken just as if I knew you personally because who you are is displayed with so much passion in your music, keep singing !!!

Posted by Elaine in Louisiana @ 03:29 on Dec 18 2012

Bro. Fred what I do know is that God does not make any mistakes and when we walking up right before him, he will all ways lead us by His Holy Spirit into his perfect will and we know that there is safty in His(Jesus) Will. I too went through a very difficult divorce after being married for 20+ years however Ther Lord brough me out and delivered me with his strong hand. I am now married to my second husband that I love very much with every intention to stay married until death do us part. I can say that because of the stormy season I experienced I have grown into a better person and a better wife(giving God All The Glory) and brother it is my prayr that because The Lord has given you disire in your heart to be married again I know that it is done by Our Father in heaven in Jesus Name. I mix my faith with your faith and The Word of God and I beleive that what ever we ask when we pray we shall have what we say in Jesus Name Aman!!! Oh and Bro. Fred I just want you to know that The Music that is given to you by The Holy Spirit has and continues to minister, encourage,inspire and lift my spirit more than words can express keep pressing my brother you are A True Blessing To The Body of Christ , I Pray The Lord continues to bless you and the fruit of your labor abundantly, Love you in Christ Jesus. Your Latter Shall Be GREATER!!!!!

Posted by Vanessa Don in South Africa @ 18:13 on Oct 15 2012

Fred Hammond, I am lost for words. Words fail me to express my profound admiration for the music you produce. I know that I have been given insight into your soul through your music. What an experience. I must be your biggest fan on the African continent! God bless you

Posted by Steve Clark in Stockton, Ca. @ 13:40 on Jun 25 2012

I happen to love your music. I even dedicated your song "Beautiful" to my loving wife Sydria of almost 18 years!

Posted by Tammy in Georgia @ 19:52 on May 24 2012

Fred Hammond is the best. Saw 2 Cleveland shows-I love him. Keep doing it.

Posted by Jordan in Cincinnati @ 18:51 on May 3 2012

Hi. I just wanted to say that the words you spoke regarding divorce really blessed me. I also love the romance CD. Thank you.

Posted by Dawn Walls in Arizona @ 19:42 on Mar 10 2012

Hi Mr. Fred Hammond! I went to my first Fred Hammond concert here at Pilgrims Rest Church in Phoenix Az and I had a ball. My friend knows all your songs but I knew of you from tv. I was moved listening to you sang. Looking forward to your next visit here. I'll be in the front.:-)

Posted by samuel isa in lagos, Nigeria @ 14:14 on Feb 16 2012

fred, remember that song 'NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER'. I believe that God hasnt turned His back on you... the enemy will always fight to bring defeat but in the face of all trial, one thing is sure... The lORD God will come through for you. many are the affliction of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all. i'm a great fan of you and you are a role model to me in the gospel industry.

Posted by eze in ga. @ 14:39 on Feb 13 2012

Fred, I have seen God reconcile so many marriages, so it ain`t over until God says it over. If you want reconciliation, there is only two things to do, seek ye first the kingdom, and everything that you need God will supply.

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