Reader Comments for Troubled Times For Hammond

These are reader comments for the article 'Troubled Times For Hammond'

Reader Comments

Posted by clarabelle in United States @ 11:47 on Jul 25 2009

I have been praying for you for many years. I wasn't sure whether you were married or not. I figured that such a godly man who praised God with all his heart could attract many would be spouses. It brought tears to my eyes to hear of the demise of your marriage. I am married but, my husband left me for a woman in Africa. Because he was the adulterer he wanted me to divorce him. Give him his freedom. I told him I made vows before God and man and I would not take them back. So he left me. What to do? God said love the hell out of him. Isn't that what God did for me? God said as bad as it was was how good it is going to be. I believe God. He loves you Fred and Kimberly with an everlasting love. This divorce thing is a sign of the times and shows the decay of our culture. We know the restorer the preserver. He makes us the salt of the earth. So we dream again. We give our thoughts and imagination to God the covenant keeper and no matter how it hurts to sware to our own hurt we just do it. God's peace be multipled to you. His face shine upon you and His thoughts be yours. Clarabelle

Reply by p wright in illinois @ 16:23 on Oct 8 2009

I have been served with divorce papers, and was lookin forward to Fred's new CD for comfort and praise. Fred pass musical messages have truly been annointed and a blessing in all my family lives including my husband. I purchase the new CD instantly I heard words that encouraged me in my current heartache and trials. I can not deny this, but in searching for information to put the music on my MP3 player, on the internet I found out about Mr Hammond marital situation. I instantly began to judge' because of my situation, adultry is the main factor in my spouse seekin this divorce. I can't enjoy the blessing and truth in the New CD, I even was tempted to throw it in the trash. I felt it was just another fake that the devil uses to make us conform to this world. I felt it was saying you can do your own thing disregard Gods word and still be blessed. Notice I have said I a lot in this comment. God has the final say, it not my way are what I understand. Judgment is God's My prayer is that all concern lean not to your own understanding , trust God and be obedient to HIS word with the help of the HOLY SPRIRT. I will pray that GOD's will be done and all Glory be given to HIM. Please pray for me and all the familys whom are touch by divorce it truly is designed to kill steal and destroy. Thanks in advance God l bless you

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Posted by kenneth edewhosa in warri nigeria @ 09:14 on Jul 3 2009

hi fred
The news of ur divorce hit me like a thurnderbolt,through it, i pray God to grant u both another chance-a reconcilation.
Be more perticular about ur purpose than ur comfort
purpose by design.LUV YA

Posted by roma in london @ 18:00 on Jun 1 2009

hi fred. i no God has truly blessed you and i pray he blesses you more and more each day. and always no that God will allways be with you. i to ask God to give me the wisdom and knowlage now i wright and sing.i get my insperation from God. as i wright and sing with love in my heart for God. and as i am trying my best to get his words out to all just keep your trust in God. ive wrote many song but finding it very hard to get them around but i know God will help.stay strong.

Posted by William Jones in Charlotte N.C @ 01:04 on May 29 2009

Whats up Fred? God has truly blessed you with a gift to bless others. My wife and I Love the ministry that you have and we are praying for you.God has also given my wife and I the gift of singing and composing music,our music is for married couples teaching them through song how God ordained the marriage to be,as we pray for you please pray for our songs to be made known to help the marriages all over the world... our e-mail address is

Posted by shine in nigeria, africa @ 19:15 on Apr 27 2009

hi bro, at the point of typing this mail, am fighting tears. you are such a great help to me always......although i have been a follower since your time in commision, to me, spirit of david is my favorite. i still listened to it in my car some minutes ago. you are the blessed of God! you'll always be his son. you alone know how to reach out to him and only you and kim know what you have been through. i am sure you guys can always talk to God about whatever....i cant even tell or suggest to you what to do. it's nothing anybody can be invited into. i recommenc you listen to your song.....'your steps are ordered' i am so sure of the potency of the anointing in that song. be strong my brother. i love you dearly. dear kim, though i dont know anything about you, i know you are my sister...and i love you so.

Posted by Ayo in London @ 18:16 on Jan 29 2009

Dear Fred,
Just got to know about your divorce. I have been tremendiously blessed through your ministry. I can tell you God is taking you somewhere. Remember, all things are working for you, even things you can't see.

Posted by aaron zulu in zambia @ 17:22 on Sep 20 2008

fred, i love you so much. your music has really transformed my is so spiritual.your music, especially with radical for christ is like somthing coming direct from the throne of God.when am listening to it i feel like am reading the book of psalms. continue seeking God in your ministry and sing to His glory. thank God you are now under the leadership of papa T.D Jakes. please let me know how your life is after that divorce with your wife.

Posted by Vivian in New Jersey @ 03:50 on Sep 6 2008

I was married almost 18 years. The divorce was not my decision = it was in my heart to be married "'til death we do part". Jesus said that Moses wrote a bill of divorcement because of the hardness of men's hearts. I believe that before the heart is hardened against a spouse it's hardened against God first. We must be real with God and call sin just what it is in our own lives. God hates divorce and it should break our hearts when we break His heart.

Posted by evangelist s in indiana @ 19:25 on Jul 8 2008

it is not meant for some marriages to work out due to us getting married on our own!! I did not seek God concerning my husband and for 16 years it has been horrible!! That is becuz i picked him and i did not wait on the Lord!! so in some cases divorce is becuz we did it and not GOD!! Be Blessed and know that God has the wife you need! Wait on the Lord and again i say WAIT!!

Reply by Joe in SC @ 21:09 on Jul 12 2008

Marriage is a covenant and a commitment that takes time, work and is not what you are feeling. Love is a choice.

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Posted by marie in Phoenix Arizona @ 19:55 on Apr 17 2008

I am very sorry to hear that. I am actually going through the same thing and It's the most diffuclt thing I am going through right now. But we are on two different levels. How did you deal with this??

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