Reader Comments for Troubled Times For Hammond

These are reader comments for the article 'Troubled Times For Hammond'

Reader Comments

Posted by Lo Jiles in Midwest Region of the US @ 17:24 on Feb 12 2010

I have walked in similar shoes as a divorced and Christian woman. My music ministry was crushed under the weight of divorce, the spiritual depression the accompanied the situation, and the ruthless gossip of some religious saints. I must admit that it has taken me time to readjust and move forward. Through all that is NOW behind me, I am a better woman after a couple years divorce. I have a more intimate relationship with God, and I continue to rediscover who I am as a woman of God. Please do not give in to depression! Ride the storm and keep on moving through your difficulties. Trust, that God will reshape you to be the Man that He has intended for you to be all along. Yes it is difficult, but Yes, by your strong faith, you will continue to be blessed and lifted up above your circumstances.

Posted by Katrina brown in Norfolk, Va @ 19:16 on Jan 11 2010

Hello Fred my name is Katrina and, I fully understand your pain. I am devorcing after 20years of marriage. I am a minister of the gospel, and people acuse me of a prayer failure. No one, but you ,and your wife have to live with this new life the two of you have choosen. Prayer is our answer, so since you have prayed, now let God heal, restore and continue to bless you. Dont listen to voices of people who cant push you towards your devine destiny. God bless you.

Posted by Keith wallace in st.louis mo @ 00:23 on Jan 6 2010

Hey fred this is keith the guitar player for the power of pentecost,remember no weapon formed against you shall prosper it wont work,I love you brother keep up the good work,it would be nice to here from you.Email me,I need some guitar work,It was a blessing playing with you and the winans,God will get the glory out of this situation,It took me four years to get over my wife,I need to talk to you .

Posted by Anonymous in anonymous @ 21:36 on Dec 11 2009

This song is ministry to those who are still married and trying really hard to cast their cares on Jesus and not "kill each other". Thank you for sharing.

Posted by Femi in Lagos,Nigeria @ 16:17 on Dec 7 2009

Fred, I know that I can not totally understand how you feel about the divorce. I have had to stay home alone for 6weeks with my wife and son abducted by her father cause we had a big quarrel-She was stepping out on me. But I was comforted by "I Will Find A Way" and I just wept my heart out. Many times I didn't know why I cried because the pain was unbearable. But like you implied in "Thank You (I won't complain)", family, friends, crew members may not be there...."...Let the words of my mouth leave no room for doubt, cause down through the years, you've been faithful, when I think it all through, Oh Lord's being you, who was there all the time...." Fred, God is always there for us. God Bless you.

Posted by Old School in McDonough, Georgia @ 16:25 on Nov 15 2009

Dearest Brother Hammond
I will never forget you because you helped me to really understand how much God loves me. I was drawn to your music at first i didnt know why because most of it is on the contemporary side and i am old school i love the old hymns and the majesty of there words, but yor words in song and praise are just as editfying to the saints of God young and old alike.
Brother Hammond you've seen the face of God no worry just remember remember. He told you what to do and you are doing it. And I thank God for you. I love you so do so many others as you can see just on youtube alone and God is in love with you even more so for sure. Gods eyes are on a sparrow. i cant judge you because the Bible says if person doesnt want you you are not under obligation to dwell with that person. Remember your liberty brother and confess and repent I had to . What ever Brother and Friend in Christ Jesus I know you hurt but i know God has got your back okaye not to worry. If you ever read this send me a note sometime i welcome the priviledge to correspond. God Bless You.
Yours Truly,
Old School

Posted by paula hartfield in Dallas Texas @ 19:28 on Oct 25 2009

All praises, glory and honor due to the only wise
God, Jesus our Savior.
Minister Fred Hammond,
First of all please know my desire is to use you
as the celebrity in God, and great man of God that you are to speak this word.
I love you, and have no desire
to judge you, just because you have been divorced.
It is not for me to judge, but only to speak the truth
in love so that we can all grow stronger in the Lord.
We all know God hates divorce...
We know how divorces in the long run hurt
the children and leave them not knowing how
family is to be like (blood mom and dad) in place,
We know that the divorce rate in the church is
competing with the divorce rate in the world...(high)
We have to STOP and not sugar coat this matter...
We do not want to trample on the spirit of grace...
I want to be real Minister Fred Hammond. I pray
that you did everything in your power to love your
wife the same way that God loves the church. I hope
that your life style ministry did not leave a void in
your home. You have ministered to the world and
saved, set free and delivered probably a million or
more people. I do not even know your wife but I lift
her and you up in the "Mighty Name of Jesus".
Only God knows and that is all that needs to know.
(except whom the Lord leads you to be in covenant with).
The Lords' will -I would love to see you two
reconcile. God is a God of reconsiliation. amen.
To God be thy glory.
Dear God, I pray for the Hammond family. I ask for
you to bind them together, closer than ever before.
We know that you desire that familes be together.
So therefore we pray according to Your
will, we invite You to have Your way. amen.
"And We Worship You" Jesus our Lord, we love you.
Beside You there is no other God!!!
Be blessed. Love the Hammond Family forever! amen
sister paula

Reply by Rickie M Joseph in Castries St.Lucia @ 14:58 on Nov 4 2009

I remember being in Bermuda when one of the organizers of your concert ask me to play bass during the worship session at the # 1 shed on Front street in Hamilton, it was an honour. I had a photo opportunity with you. It was a blessing for me to have met you and your family, I found you to be very humble. There is an anointing on your life and Satan desires to have you, because you are an instrument for the kingdom of God winning souls for the glory of God. The enemy knows if he is successful in implanting unforgiveness in your heart, you will not be able to get to the next level that God has planned for you. Now I beleive that you are approaching your harvest so you and your wife need to overcome that old devil. And see where you two will find yourselves in Christ.
Now I only decided to read up on you further and there I was made to understand this sad news. To all saints reading this when God has chosen you to do his will there are a number of things you must consider and a number of things you must put aside that includes pride sometimes even family if they are not falling inline with the word of God Rembember the story of Noah. At the end of the day those who did not listen had to face the Flood. I know that the enemy takes pleasure in destroying marriages and you Minister Hammond must understand that there are demonds on assignment to destroy your family. What the enemy has done is to attack you with your own "NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER". So today I decree and declare that no weapon formed against you and your family shall prosper and I bind every demonic forces millitating against you in the Mighty name of Jesus and I declare that you will have the victory and by the power of the Holy Ghost we bring the strong man to open shame in the name of Jesus. May God have his way in your life I love you all.

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Posted by Richard T in Baltimore, Md. @ 13:48 on Oct 21 2009

It is really sad all I am hearing here. All I am hearing is how great the music, and this and that. What about what God said. This man Fred is losing something that in God's eyes his priceless. We the people or saints pump these peoples flesh up too high. Fred's marriage and family is FIRST! Everything all of us say means nothing on judgment day. Things are going to have to be accounted for. But I guess as long as Fred is pumping out those cd's and having all of you all jumping and hollering he is ok, right? FAMILY IS FIRST AND GOD'S WORD WILL NEVER CHANGE!

Posted by damien in south africa @ 11:16 on Oct 16 2009

Most christians live on top of the hill where the grass is forever green and troubles are just a walk inthe park. Fred i love your music your the reason i had the courage to sing for the lord. i understand what your going through I've been through the same street, i walked it and by God's grace made it through, many are quick to judge many Atime quick to scorn and reject you, forgetting that we walk a parth thats not all paved in gold or silver but full of dirt and pot holes. We as christians want to make all things right even when it's not right for us we try and we fail and that fustrates us it only makes the enemy have a bigger head(in saying where was your God when the house crumbled). Every one who reads the soft side of the bible wake up there is a harder side to it too inthe same text and (life). We all make mistakes and God allows us to make them so we can see his grace abiding. we fall just for a moment but his there to pick us up. Some times we ask God to fix what we have broken yet in truth He wants to mold us into something new. God hate's divorce but He loved us so much He sent us his only begotten to restore us and make us new in christ. (Fred) the battle is not over the enemy has not won the thrown to decide but in truth God won it hands down our God and father still seats on it. Continue to sing those songs and make the enemy tremble, Hold on to God thats the purpose of our design dont hold on to whats crumbled. much Love, peace and many blessings
all in Christ Jesus

Posted by jerry in wichita @ 17:03 on Sep 21 2009

I to am in the same problem but the hope is knowing that GOD yet still love me regaurdless of my situation man you have blessed for some 20 something years i know that god is with you be incourge GOD is still in contol love youvery much brother bless you!

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