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Article Title: Troubled Times For Hammond
Author of reported comment: Old School
Comment Date: 16:25 on Nov 15 2009
Comment: Dearest Brother Hammond I will never forget you because you helped me to really understand how much God loves me. I was drawn to your music at first i didnt know why because most of it is on the contemporary side and i am old school i love the old hymns and the majesty of there words, but yor words in song and praise are just as editfying to the saints of God young and old alike. Brother Hammond you've seen the face of God no worry just remember remember. He told you what to do and you are doing it. And I thank God for you. I love you so do so many others as you can see just on youtube alone and God is in love with you even more so for sure. Gods eyes are on a sparrow. i cant judge you because the Bible says if person doesnt want you you are not under obligation to dwell with that person. Remember your liberty brother and confess and repent I had to . What ever Brother and Friend in Christ Jesus I know you hurt but i know God has got your back okaye not to worry. If you ever read this send me a note sometime i welcome the priviledge to correspond. God Bless You. Yours Truly, Old School
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