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Article Title: Troubled Times For Hammond
Author of reported comment: clarabelle
Comment Date: 11:47 on Jul 25 2009
Comment: I have been praying for you for many years. I wasn't sure whether you were married or not. I figured that such a godly man who praised God with all his heart could attract many would be spouses. It brought tears to my eyes to hear of the demise of your marriage. I am married but, my husband left me for a woman in Africa. Because he was the adulterer he wanted me to divorce him. Give him his freedom. I told him I made vows before God and man and I would not take them back. So he left me. What to do? God said love the hell out of him. Isn't that what God did for me? God said as bad as it was was how good it is going to be. I believe God. He loves you Fred and Kimberly with an everlasting love. This divorce thing is a sign of the times and shows the decay of our culture. We know the restorer the preserver. He makes us the salt of the earth. So we dream again. We give our thoughts and imagination to God the covenant keeper and no matter how it hurts to sware to our own hurt we just do it. God's peace be multipled to you. His face shine upon you and His thoughts be yours. Clarabelle
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