Reader Comments for Troubled Times For Hammond

These are reader comments for the article 'Troubled Times For Hammond'

Reader Comments

Posted by Dorothea Anderson in Atlanta, GA @ 20:01 on Oct 17 2005

Minister Hammond,
Thank you for allowing God to use you as His minister of music; it is truly beautiful,edifying to God, and all who listen. Please know that you have intercessors around the U.S. praying for you and your family. You are in a season of transition, repositon and recognition. El Germolah will owe you nothing. I know that He is going to restore unto you, as He did with Job, 30, 60 and 100 fold. I am honored that God has called me to intercede on your behalf daily. He truly loves you deeply. I love you and thank God for blessing us with such an awesome and gifted man of valor.

Posted by Rudi Mark Bergoer in Cape Town, South Africa @ 14:33 on Oct 17 2005

Hi brother Fred Hammond, we (me & my friends) we truly blessed Friday 14 Oct 2005 @ your concert. Thank you for coming to South Africa. I decided also to search for more infomation about you and came to know that you have been going through a recent divorce. May God our Father strengthen you and Kimberley. Our steps are ordered by GOD.

Posted by Sean in Cleveland, Tennessee @ 07:07 on Oct 7 2005


My brother, I understand the pains of losing something that close to you. Yes, ther are some talking about your situation, but there are some of us who are praying for you and your family, too. I don't know the situation, but then again it's not my business or anyone else's either. My brother, you've encouraged my soul throughout your ministry from Commissioned to RFC to now. So I feel like I am in a place to encourage you now. Keep your head up, God knows how to turn our situations around for our good even when we can't seem to make sense out of it. Stay strong! Much Love!

Posted by Pastor Mike Jones in Chillicothe, OH @ 20:48 on Oct 6 2005

Praise the Lord! You and your wife are in my prayers. My wife and I said no thanks to the Christian music industry years ago because of the challenges it can bring upon a marriage. Remember, that we serve a God that can fix what we have broken. He also has the power to resurrect things that are dead. In Jesus Name, Pastor Mike Jones

Posted by Danielle in Sacramento, California @ 04:59 on Oct 1 2005

Blessings Minister Fred Hammond, I thank you for your dedication to gospel music; it strengthens me. This morning the Lord put you on my heart. As an intercessor, I prayed for you. Then, I remembered seeing a headline on a magazines at the local Christian bookstore in June about your divorce. Since I didn't buy the magazine, I Google searched the topic and found this site. My encouragement to you and Mrs. Hammond is found in Isaiah 61:3,4. Get ready for God to rebuild greatly, and know that there are more saints praying for you than there are people talking. Your sister in Chrtist, Danielle

Reply by sandra in Statesboro, Ga @ 03:11 on Jul 7 2009

Who are we to judge? I serve an awesome God. no matter what we say or think about this situation, God is a keeper and he knows our strengths and our weakness, so in saying that brother Hammond be encouraged and always remember God has all power and when we fall down he and only he has the power to pick us up and put is right back in line. God bless you and your family.

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Reply by leslie @ 15:50 on Feb 5 2008

In response to marriage. Society as a whole is failing. However, christians have to have a clear and present understanding of the word of God. God has not changed and it is a failed concept to pretend that God will modify his word for man. The word clearly states that there is just one reason a person can get divorce and that is adultery. It further specifies that there 2 reason a person can get married, and that will be the death and adultery. The adulteress and adulterer have no justification and must remain single for the rest of his life, that is if he/she wants to be saved. Read the word and you will get a clear understanding of God's mind. Therefore we could not encourage people that just realize that they don't understand each other to just get divorce. Christians are held accountable by God because of our understanding of is word. If yo are both christians, then you should pray, pray, and pray for restoration. All I can say is that there are alot of accountability and many surprises on judment day.

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Posted by chris in trinidad & tobago @ 21:26 on Sep 18 2005

Hi fred, my name is chris i am a musician and i am frm Trinidad i 2 hav followed ur career from as far as ur times with commissioned...i hav always been truly blessed by ur faith in God & ur ability to relate that faith uniquely through gospel music...i will find a way is truly a classic and a song that gave me strength in the midst of my i was understandably suprised at the news of ur divorce just hope that as u hav said all things will work even if it is reconciliation because we do serve a god of encouraged and i hope u find comfort in the God serve

Reply by cheryl in CANADA @ 22:43 on May 27 2007


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Posted by Tara M. Brinkley in Athens, Alabama @ 04:05 on Aug 23 2005

Minister Hammond:I saw you on the recording of the Stellar Awards this year, and what I saw disturbed me.I saw no smile, no laughter, no joy.But I now understand why you sang "I Will Find a Way".I realize that you may be experiencing some brokeness since your divorce.I just wanted to encourage you that though times get hard for you too, there's still such a great ministry that only you can render.You see, God has chosen you, and you are the only Fred Hammond there could ever be.So know that you will smile again, and He will grant you double for your trouble.Isaiah 40:1. Much love

Reply by Micky M in South Africa @ 10:52 on Dec 18 2009

The word says that all things work together for those who love GOD. Although many times we can't see how, but the word of God says that as high as the heavens are above our head, that is how the thoughts of God are far from ours..."Simply put" says it clear,...our basic needs are to know that He loves us and He likes us...and we are his...

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Reply by Arteasia in Meriden, CT @ 20:17 on Feb 9 2007

This is in regards to your message to Fred Hammond, I think your encouraging and truthful words are exactly right. Keep on giving God the Praise, and may his mercy forever more endure!

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Posted by Nedra Miller @ 22:14 on Jun 29 2005

Well, umm, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I have been listening to your music since the "Inner Court" and it has kept my husband and I, in/through many situations. To be honest "Frame" scares me, and I say that because my husband is on his way to being big in music (Urban Truth) and it seems like that's when the devil starts to put in over time, but the bible lets me know that there is power in prayer and that's the bottom line. God will not give us more than we could bare. I will keep you and your fam in my prayers, and keep your head up, we serve a forgiving God.
Love Nedra

Reply by Tom Foley in California @ 05:52 on Jul 28 2009

Tell your husband to loose all his pride and avoid the lime light and crowds. Jesus avoided them and ran from them not after them and the crowds pursued Him. The Bible tells us that we are nothing and to serve not to look for a stage and a mic. Most people people today on stage have no idea that everything is about Gods glory and the gospel message. It is evident that people today are not in it for giving God the glory and getting the gospel out there. This is evident in the fact that so many people charge for cd series, cds etc when they can offer it for free online though mp3 and mp4 as so many others do.

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Reply by 2 b incourage in columbus @ 14:48 on Nov 28 2006

it pains me 2 c our christians not able to hang in there. it pains me when our christian stars have more than one marriage. one i can see it not making it but 2,3,4, come on and we know who they are. i like them but i feel that we as christians shoule set a standard. worldly people jump in and out of marriage like they change their clothes. I don't know what they were going through all we can do is support both sides and pray that all marriages surrvie. try not to let go. take your time love you all

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