Reader Comments for Troubled Times For Hammond

These are reader comments for the article 'Troubled Times For Hammond'

Reader Comments

Posted by Donald LeBeauf in Anchorage, AK @ 13:57 on Feb 6 2006

Hey Brotha Man! It's apparent that what you sing about is your passion and outlet to your situations (and ours). It lets me know we all are in this fight together, no one above the other. Just want to let you know there is no love lost, but another measure of respect and admiration for you being transparent. Those who dare judge are in judgment of themselves. Keep ya head high baby! Love ya Potna!

Posted by Jay in Norfolk,VA @ 19:54 on Feb 3 2006

Thank You for you ministry.Thank you for your encouragement.Thank you for your love.I drove you around when you were in norfolk,va.That time with you was the third best time of my life(after getting saved and the birth of my daughter) I thank you for the opportunity of being able to have that privelage.lJust being with you encouraged me to continue on with my misnistry in music.I know GOD will continue to bless you and I can't wait for "Free to Worship" to come out.

Posted by PASTOR TONY A. MONK in DALLAS,TX @ 04:57 on Feb 1 2006


Reply by Kelvin L. Jenkins in Lindale Texas @ 06:12 on Nov 25 2008

Time brings about a change in ones life. I want to say to Pastor Monk. That change within , brings about a change without and around us. I thank you for making that trip to Jamacia. I feel like a part of me went with from Navvarro to Alabama, to Jamacia. God Bless You and Keep you.

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Posted by Pastor N in Cedar Park, TX @ 20:30 on Jan 31 2006

I just wanted to say that the song "I'll Find a Way" has been my testimony for the 3 years since the death of our firstborn daughter from a brain tumor that we were only aware of for 3 days, and of which she was only symptomatic with for 3 weeks, but we didn't know. The lyrics would ring through my ears, even when I laid on the floor of my room and begged God to let me die. Brother Hammond, please know that your ministry is not in vain.

Posted by Keshaun "Key" Lang in Charleston, S.C @ 00:08 on Jan 16 2006

Fred...M.O.G, Don't think the marriage is truely over. With life comes trials but we have to keep that joy in the lord and have faith that he will lead your path. I grew up on your music, all the way back to commissioned. My brother and I use to dem the lights in our bedroom and pray in the spirit together through the whole "Spirit of David" CD. Even though you may be going through brokeness, God has used your gift to mend and trust me...I have been mended so many times. Just keep following the light of the lord and remember, We have over a trillion plus strong rooting for us in heaven.

Posted by Vincent Lancaster in Raleigh, NC @ 15:15 on Jan 11 2006

Bro, I've enjoyed and have been blessed by the music of Commissioned, your collaboration with RFC, and any other work you've been involved with. I've always felt a connection with your music. I've gone through a seperation and divorce as well and your music helped me tremendously! I obviously don't fully know what you're going through but just know that the other side of this trial truly exists. It may take some time for you to get there but there is a Canaan for this situation. At times I felt like I wasn't going to make it but I did and the skies are blue again!

Posted by Minister Hunt in San Bernadino, California @ 23:10 on Jan 5 2006

To my precious fellow Minister,
I pray that God will continue to strenghen you in this very difficult time in your life. God said that our first ministry is our family. So with that being said even now you still have an obligation to God to care for them. I pray for you and Kim daily. I haven't given up and I know that God hasn't either.

Posted by James in Indianapolis @ 07:14 on Dec 24 2005

Bro Fred, the devil knows his time is winding up and is attacking all Gods generals. I too have been attacked in a way that i never thought i would. keep speaking Gods word let the weak say im strong-a good man falls 7 times and get back up again-look at David but he worshipped God out of his clothes thats our answer. God says come now let us reason together though your sin be as scarlet it shall be white as snow. I love you man God loves you be encourged. This to shall pass.

Posted by Penelope in South Africa @ 12:26 on Dec 12 2005

Hi Fred
I have been listening to your music since I was little, even my mother loves your music and she doesn't really like our contemporary gospel music.
I was REALLY blessed when you came to South Africa. During that time I was going through a tough time too and cannot remember when last I was able to let myself go in the presence of the Lord. I got the strength to carry on now. I attended all you concerts when you were in Johannesburg.Please be encouraged that you are trully a blessing and God has a purpose for you life.

Posted by wale ilori in manchester, uk @ 06:04 on Dec 10 2005

i Fred. U've been my favourite artiste since commissioned and was even delighted that in your busy schedule, you actually replied an email i sent you years back. i only got wind of the news recently and don't know any details but i will say this that the Lord will not forget your labour of love. i was watching you on tv today and just cast my mind back to when i lost a friend. that was my first real bout with grief. "..breath unto me oh Lord, the breathe of life" took me through. i can't describe the pain u may feel in ur heart now but let me say, He is able!!

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