Reader Comments for Troubled Times For Hammond

These are reader comments for the article 'Troubled Times For Hammond'

Reader Comments

Posted by P Joseph in Lafayette, LA @ 02:09 on Jul 19 2006

I would like to apologize to Fred Hammond, Yolanda Adams and Hezekiaha Walker. The comments I made earlier were very judgemental. I was reminded about the woman that was caught in adultry and was brought to Jesus. The custom was that such a woman be stoned. Jesus bent down and wrote something, and told them he that is without sin let him cast the first stone. One by one the people went away. Jesus forgave her, who am I? I did not die for anyone's sins, nor do I have the right to JUDGE.......What sins am I guilty of? I just want to say SORRY!!!!! Please accept my apology!!

Posted by Ailsa in Milwaukee, WI @ 14:23 on Jul 6 2006

Minister Hommond I have been in and out of the church but one thing that I know and have always held close to me is that God loves us all and he makes no mistakes. We go through life and love but when God brings that one person that is yours to have and hold it will be forever. I love you and wish nothing but the grace and mercey of God upon your life. God Bless

Posted by Rhonda Miller in Scottsboro, Alabams @ 04:23 on Jun 1 2006

Dear Minister Hammond, Praise the Lord for giving you the art of music. Trust in the Lord that you sing about. Time is the greatest healer. I know you have done many CD's since the Inner Court, but I love that CD so much it stays in the CD player in our car. I play it so much that my husband sometimes will not allow me to play it. Remember "Hear My Cry" It will give you strength.

Posted by P Joseph in Lafayette, La @ 04:20 on May 4 2006

Well, I'm dissapointed in church folk. Unfortunately, the divorce rate is higher in the church than it is in the world. What's really going on?!?! What sets us apart from them?!? Fred Hammond, Yolanda Adams and Hezekiah Walker are all divorced and/or in the process of getting divorced. This is very disheartening. We as Christians need to take a good long look at ourselves. Those folks I've named are in the public eye, but what about thos of us who are not? This made me take a good long look at me!!!! I'm single, now what? Still love you though Fred and your music!!

Posted by Tracei in Portland, Oregon @ 20:11 on May 1 2006

Like millions of others, I'm sorry to hear about the divorce. But, I have a question. Where was this almighty and powerful God that you so eloquently sing and write of when you and your wife where on "different streets?" He is able Mr. Hammond to fix anything and make all things work together for your good. You taught me this through song. I love you and may God bless you and your family.

Posted by Rodney Bailey in Buffalo, New York @ 18:51 on Apr 18 2006

I've gotten the pleasure of meeting Fred on a personal level once at a restaurant and once at parking lot in Thomson, Ga Fred is a man of God that is a strong minded and strong willed person. After you've done all you can You must STAND!!
God bles you and Your former wife God has a way of healing the broken hearted

Posted by Kenas Otieno in Kenya @ 15:14 on Mar 7 2006

Brother Fred!
I really love your music! It ministers to me so much and really draws me near to God in Worship. I am so sorry that you went through such a painful time. I am convinced that hard moments only come to make us strong and I believe that when God is through with you, you will be much stronger, and your faith in Him will be even more. Remember when God allows you to go through a situation, He goes into it with you.

Posted by Phyliss Jackson in Charlotte, North Carolina @ 02:19 on Mar 7 2006

I love you with the Love of the Lord. The Holy Spirit has used you many times to lay me out so God could speak. "The Lion of Judah, Savior and Ruler of All." My pray is that God will strengthen you and your family. You might have "blew it" (cover Gospel Today), but God knew you would and HE already had made provision. Walk in the newness of Him. Isaiah 43:19 God says Behold I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive it and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. We serve an AWESOME GOD!

Posted by noni in UK @ 04:25 on Feb 9 2006

Am a great fanmr hammond;so sorry to hear of your troubles;i hope people are there to support and minister to you the way you do to throws so many things our way..but God always makes a way for his children and eventually what seemslike darkness will become light.Hang in my prayers

Posted by Dorothy Brooks in Garland @ 15:36 on Feb 6 2006

I thank God at every remembrance of you. As a divorced woman myself, I know the stigma when you walk in Christian circles. But I want to encourage you to walk. Also, please know that the pain will lessen and what will remain will be the sweet fragrance of God's healing virtue at the very site of the injury and death. Divorce is a death, but you will live and yet see the glory of God in the land of the living!!

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