Reader Comments for Troubled Times For Hammond

These are reader comments for the article 'Troubled Times For Hammond'

Reader Comments

Posted by Phyllis in Baltimore, MD @ 20:51 on Oct 23 2006

Minister Hammond,

Often God will break something in order to make in new again. Your broken heart is in the Lord's hand and he can and will mend it again. Please be encouraged and know that "OUR FATHER" has not forgotten you or your labour. He has your name engraved in the palm of his hand, and when he stretches it out to bless anyone, he see you. I am praying for you and your family.

Posted by Nwando Okeke in London, UK @ 22:04 on Oct 16 2006

Dear fred,

I want to thank you for being available to be used of God inspite of the trials you may be facing in presently and the fact that you can still keep your head up.
Just know that all things are working together for your good and you shall smile when this is all over.
God bless you continually

Posted by Odoro Erivwo in London, UK @ 00:34 on Oct 11 2006

Dear Fred.

You have been a blessing to me for many years now. The gifts and calling of God, we know, are without repentance. When troubles come our way, we recognise that the aim of the enemy is to quench the work of God through us. That we will not let him achieve, becos, the enemy has come to steal, kill and destroy, but our Lord Jesus came that we might have life and have it in abundance. And that abundant life is what belongs to you. Even in this we know that God will be glorified and victory is handed to you. Amen.

Posted by Burrell in Jamaica @ 16:05 on Oct 10 2006

Fred my fam and i are some of ur biggest fans, as i read the short excerpt tears came to my eyes. i now understand y u were so quiet for quite a while. God is God and He WILL not may but He WILL help u find a way. You fred are a true worshipper, a man of God's own heart and we'll be praying for you.

Posted by N. Champion in Oakland, Ca @ 18:17 on Oct 9 2006

Hey Fred,
I was watching your exclusive video from BET with your new CD (LOUD and THANK YOU are my songs) and heard what you said about Kim. It's wonderful you were man enough to set the record straight cause you know the hens are in the corner cackling about your business. My heart goes out to you and Kim as well as my prayers. Keep making music and let God forever heal and direct you..
With much love,
Your sister in Christ

Posted by marcius jackson in chicago/ hazelcrest @ 18:10 on Oct 4 2006

through much i also tried not to godown that road, i was guilty of much, but sometimes things are meant and not meant to be. after forgiving myself, i wiped away my tears and picked up "the rugged cross".

i know how you feel, i play bass also so just keep terrizing the terrioty of satin on the strings and paper.

see you in heaven with the funky groove band celebrating his majesty

in jesus name

Posted by Marcus French in New Jersey, World Changers NY @ 16:05 on Oct 2 2006

Hey Brother Hammond, I believe you are a true man of God. And you have the annointing that David had on his life. David did not have a perfect life but he was still the apple of God's eye. I too experinced divorce some years ago and I thought that was it. And that experience seems to be never ending. But God restored to me a new wife and a beautiful new child. Stay encouraged because you are a major part to the body of Christ! Love your brother Marcus.

Posted by a fan in Virginia @ 21:54 on Sep 21 2006

I am in a church where I am being ostresized for being in an unequally yoked marriage! And I have done all I can to make it work, yet I am being sat down from work, until my husband "get's it together!" Yet they still play your songs and are hosting your concert this friday! I find this very hypocritical on their part and hope you can and will say something about churches that make people keep up fake appearences in their marriage.

Posted by LaWanda in Connecticut @ 02:33 on Sep 19 2006

So it is true what I felt in my spirit when I read the thank you's on Somthin bout love..I didn't want to believe it! Stay strong, stay under Jesus' anointing, and continue to look to him for all things.

Posted by Michael Olaniyi in Nigeria @ 18:48 on Aug 16 2006

Was told yesterday of ur divorce. Must ave bin really hard. I believe through all, God is working out His thought for you. Stay strong brother, we are prayin for you.

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