Reader Comments for Troubled Times For Hammond

These are reader comments for the article 'Troubled Times For Hammond'

Reader Comments

Posted by Shirley in Rocky Mount, NC @ 11:33 on Dec 26 2006

Fred, I just wanted to let you know that your music has been an inspiration to me down through the years. I pray and know that you will continue to be a blessing to many. Hold on and know that God will never leave you.

Posted by Michael in Conyers,GA @ 23:05 on Dec 23 2006

Greetings My Dear Brother Fred Hammond,

I cannot tell you how deeply your ministry has touched my life. For over 20 years I have worshipped, rejoiced and wept in the presence of the Lord as I have listened to your Heavenly Melodies. Your song, "I Will Find A Way" has caused me to convulse and weep as I think how much I have lost thru the years as well. But I too will find a way to worship my Lord Jesus Christ!!

May the Lord continue to uphold by His Mighty Hand. By His grace you stand!!(We stand)

Posted by J in Trinidad @ 20:34 on Nov 28 2006

This man of God has been one of my mentors for a long time now..its so scary to think that we've been going through almost the same thing in the same period..u guys just dont know. Who feels it knows!! But hey my maker and I are one. Fred,u keep doing what u do bro. Be that voice for God. I will to. BLESS.

Posted by Minister Parker in Norfolk, VA @ 03:59 on Nov 28 2006

Isa 50:7 Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced, Therefore have i set my face like flint, and i know I will not be put to shame.. God Bless you brother Fred. I think your album "Free to Worship" is the best worship album i have heard and i know why. Be encouraged

Posted by terry snow in memphis,tn @ 03:11 on Nov 22 2006

i have been a fan since day one of commissioned,i love your music and wish that commissioned would do a new album for 2007 with all members.let me stop dreaming now and just say that you are the man,your words have help me through many painful days with my first wife.Healing is in the your bible and listen to God.keep doing what you do.You will make it through the valley.Love isn't love until you give it away.Keep giving to the world.

Reply by Jay in Denver co @ 17:16 on Jan 18 2007

The bible actually says except for fonication. At this time in the bible a man would be engaged to a woman for a year at which point whe would live with the man and they would have no sexual contact until they were married. During this time if a man were to find something wrong with his wife to be he would write her a bill of divorcement. Because men were writing bills of divorcement for any and everything Jesus said only fonication was a cause for writing a bill of divorcement. So the two were never married. Once your married God doesn't like it no matter what. He will forgive, but the bilble says from the beginning it was not so, pertaining to divorce. God is a God of reconciliation.

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Reply by Tamara in England @ 15:20 on Jan 8 2007

Jesus said except for adultery a man should not divorce his wife love is a choice that you make it aint a feeling so i gather the feeling went .. I think your desicion was in the flesh you and your wife because Gods not gonna contradict his word man.You say you prayed about it but why is God going to verify you divorcing your wife? it doesnt make sense. You cant say there is no spiritual attatchment because Gods word says the 2 shall become one flesh and this divorce is a tearing apart of one person is this not true?

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Posted by Martyn N.O in Nigeria, Edo state, Benin City @ 11:56 on Nov 16 2006

I know the thoughts that I think towards Fred Hammond, thots of Peace (shalom - fulness, prosperity, nothing missen or broken...) and to give him a hope, a future and his expected end. - Jer.29:11
The scriptures can't be broken brother, they looked unto him and their faces were lightened and they were not ashamed - Psa.34. God is your strenght, and identifies with you. Thanks for being a blessing.

Posted by Odos-Thomson Michael in Nigeria @ 19:10 on Nov 14 2006

You have from time past, being a source of inspiration to me. I have always been blessed by every one of your songs. I cant wait to have you here in Nigeria one day.
Just want to assure you that in your darkest night, God still is the shining light. I still believe in the duo of Kim and you.

Posted by Val in Dee-troit @ 14:55 on Nov 11 2006

Brother Fred, So sorry about the demise of your marriage. You have blessed so many through your ministry of music, I hope that you are blessed in all in you do. Love the new cd, it is slammin', particularly Simply Put ( I CAN feel your heart in it)

Posted by Antwon in augusta ga @ 04:49 on Nov 4 2006

Hey Min Hammond, first of all you have been my inspiration for Gospel Music...I have been down with you since the early years of Commissioned until now, I have everything you've ever put out...I just wanted to say that My prayers are with you. Your personal life is just that...."Personal" I trust that with God he will continue to guide your path. Be Encouraged!!

Posted by Sylvia in Richmond, VA @ 15:56 on Nov 1 2006

Bless you, Man of God as I sit here listening to "Keep your praise Alway!!! My God, My God!!!
Exaltation to you:
I know, you know, GOD IS A GOOD GOD. There is none greater, HE does all things well.
The work HE has begun in you HE will perfect it. He loves, comfort and keeps!
I hate divorce cause God hates it. I have been involved in two, I trust HIM and know HE is working HIS perfect plan. AND HE IS STILL GOD all by HIMSELF.
Trust HIS sovereignty and HIS LOVE.
I love the work HE does through you, it ministers to me cause I am "Free to Worship". HE IS GOOD!
Peace and joy multiplied!

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