Reader Comments for Troubled Times For Hammond

These are reader comments for the article 'Troubled Times For Hammond'

Reader Comments

Posted by Penina in Mombasa Kenya @ 06:40 on Apr 13 2007

Hi Fred
Im lookin forward to the day you will visit my country,and my town, you inspire me,and the openness with which you handled the divorce thing is amazing,keep doin a good work for the kingdom of God

Posted by Katina in Columbia, SC @ 01:41 on Apr 13 2007

I am allways praying for you and your family.

Posted by Tyanna Pollard-Berry in Folcroft, PA @ 16:10 on Apr 3 2007

First of all, I would like to thank God almighty for you and your music ministry to me & my family. Fred Hammond you all truly an artist who puts praise and new jack together to glorify God. I am very sad to hear that your marriage did not work out but you are not the first Christian and you will not be the last. I am not promoting divorce I just want to encourage you & your wife & family that he that began a good work in you shall finish it. The main thing that I would like to say to you is that a marriage is beautiful & also so very wonderful but being married to God first is our most beautiful convenant we can have as Christians. So let the lord contiue to use you Great Man of God and remember that you sang it to God yourself so praise worthy when you sang no weapon formed against me shall prosper.

Posted by OneTruFan in Columbia, SC @ 16:06 on Mar 22 2007

I am deeply sorry about your divorce. I am quite sure it was painful for Mrs. Hammond as well. At least you didnt give up before trying to rekindle the marriage. I applaud the both of you. Your songs say..I will find a way. God has provided the way, now walk in it; don't look back but forward to the abundant prosperity and peace God is going to provide for your family and you. Since the beginning of Commissioned, you have bless me and I appreciate you. I know without doubt, God has called you to do what you are doing. So don't allow the enemy to take it away. You are forever in my prayers. Please visit Columbia, SC soon!

Posted by DC in Benbrook, Texas @ 02:50 on Feb 7 2007

Hi Brother Hammond:

I an sorry about your divorce. It's been sometime since I first heard of your trouble. I know what it is like to be on separate pages with the one that you love and think that you will be with forever. I hope that by the time you read this, you are in a better place than you were when you made the decision to divorce. Believe it or not, God and time will heal your wounds. Your music helped me through my divorce and I only wish you could be so inspired as I was through you to press on and continue to do what God instructs you to. You are a wonderous child of God. Many continued blessings my friend.

Posted by Emma in Dublin, Ireland @ 07:29 on Jan 31 2007

I felt in my heart that something had happened to you when i listened to "free to worship" and googled "fred hammond divorce" and got to this thread. Dear brother friend....this tells me that all wil be well, since the lord is allowig so many to see your pain from all over the world. Which are my favourite songs on the new album?...i wake up with the words of lord your grace singing in my head, myheart...i hear it all the time. When i get into my car, when i am sad and lonely, when i am doubtful of the future, i listen to this is the day over and over and gets me in war mode and i shake off every things not of God and of course what can i say about..."to know you love me, you like me, and i am yours......" This says it all. Stay blessed brother. God in a step by step process ripped apart all my false ideology and repaired the wounds from my parents divorce and taught me to be whole again. He is doing the same to my mom now....its a painful process but if you stick with him, you will only be more beautiful when he is finished as you would have gotten to "know him, and the fellowship of his suffering". Lots of love and I will keep praying for you.

Posted by a brother in Phiilly Pa @ 02:24 on Jan 24 2007

Hey Fred sorry to her about your marriage. I myself find myself at a place where im not sure anymore. i can't help but feel sometimes that divorce may be the only way. my wife and i are both pastors and God has bless us both with powerful ministries however it seem that we are on two different pages and it seems that no matter what we do things just arent getting any better. you song i will find away has been blessing i blast that CD everytime i get in my truck. well my bother you be encouraged and keep doing what you've been called to do, God has used you to reach thousands stay encouraged we need you.

Posted by Ryan Paul in Trinidad & Tobago, W.I @ 03:15 on Jan 18 2007

Hey Fred, I've been praying for you since you came to Trinidad on the last concert with Commissioned in the 90's. Sorry to hear about your marriage. I'm a bassist also, and i am planning to get married soon. I am praying that we learn to sacrifice to preserve what God gave us, and to prove his good, and perfect, and acceptible will Rom.12:1b.
P.S God has given us the ministry of reconciliation...

Posted by qiana davis in missouri @ 19:20 on Jan 11 2007

Hey Brother Hammond, I want you to know it does my soul well to see that even through the midst of adversity you are able to yet praise and worship our Savior, I gain strength from that. I have had diabetes for 28 yrs and kidney failure for 10. I go to dialysis 3 days a week and for a while, it was hard for me to praise God. But, as your sister-in-Christ I want you to know that you have helped me to put things back into perspective. My husband sends his heart as well. We love you

Posted by UGOCHUKWU IBE in NIGERIA @ 13:35 on Jan 3 2007

Brother Fred,
I was not realy when i learnt of your divorce, cos you guys are people we look up to as elders brothers, we believe CHrist is with you, so hearing of a move that is worldly is disheartening. But you know what, he can still answer prayers, you can still call on Him to help you, we are praying for you, when thou art converted to strenghten your brethtren. May the light of His countenance shine on you.

Reply by Trevor H in Johannesburg South Africa @ 13:43 on Jul 2 2010

Hi Fred! - People can say a lot of bad things to each other and also a lot of good but we don't know what you and your wife and kids went through. Even after years past and even another relationship the hurt is still there. You always think of the "what might have been" - Hand in there Bro. Loved your music since the early 80's - Keep on inspiring the WORLD by spreading your Love and Music. Know God understands we might not. Isaiah 49:16 "You are engraved in the palms of both His hands" when it's dark and tough remember this scripture always. Your brother T.

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