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Article Title: Troubled Times For Hammond
Author of reported comment: leslie
Comment Date: 15:50 on Feb 5 2008
Comment: In response to marriage. Society as a whole is failing. However, christians have to have a clear and present understanding of the word of God. God has not changed and it is a failed concept to pretend that God will modify his word for man. The word clearly states that there is just one reason a person can get divorce and that is adultery. It further specifies that there 2 reason a person can get married, and that will be the death and adultery. The adulteress and adulterer have no justification and must remain single for the rest of his life, that is if he/she wants to be saved. Read the word and you will get a clear understanding of God's mind. Therefore we could not encourage people that just realize that they don't understand each other to just get divorce. Christians are held accountable by God because of our understanding of is word. If yo are both christians, then you should pray, pray, and pray for restoration. All I can say is that there are alot of accountability and many surprises on judment day.
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