Reader Comments for Planetshakers: The Australian band and event

These are reader comments for the article 'Planetshakers: The Australian band and event'

Reader Comments

Posted by brandon in leong @ 03:17 on Sep 5 2006

planet shakers is cool . Planet shakers Rock..........

Reply by robert in shepparton @ 08:53 on Aug 11 2008

i love them to GOOO! planetshakers

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Posted by keamogetse Gopane in South Africa @ 10:40 on Sep 4 2006

When is planetshakers coming to South Africa????pleeeeeese respond!!

Posted by Brandy in S.A @ 03:44 on Jul 31 2006

I went to the conference this year & i really enjoyed hearing from such a passionate people. I'm looking forward to next years conference but I've heard that its not coming back to S.A next year, but heading over to melbourne for the comference would be awsome, and i have a whole lot of mates who would want to come aswell.....ROAD TRIP!!
Its gonna be awesome can't wait!!

Posted by Karina in RADelaide @ 06:47 on Jul 25 2006

I'm from Adelaide also and was kinda disappointed that they can't come to Adelaide or Sydney. But I could also also understand why they changed the venues from 5 to 3, simply so they can have the full band at all the venues and so people can enjoy the conferences fully.
In 2005 I went to my first PS Conference in Adelaide, then this year (because I have so many friends in Melbourne) I went to the PS Conference. Personally, I enjoyed the Melbourne Conference better.
I'm going to Melbourne PS Conference next year and can't wait!!

Posted by Nicole in Adelaide @ 08:28 on Jul 7 2006

hey daniel. I'm so glad someone else from Adelaide was looking forward 2 Planetshakers, and then found out they not coming. I want 2 go 2 influence, but i dont think i will b able 2. My parents dont want me going 2 another state 2 go 2 Planetshakers, but i really want 2 go. Do u go 2 a church? If so, which 1?

Posted by daniel in whyalla sa @ 01:59 on Jun 27 2006

hey yes nicole same er i looked at the date on the planet shakers site an no adelaide.I have only benn to planet shakers once and it was so good it was so cool when rigey dabs whent up {kill the dogs } that was so good, so me and my friends are going to try and go to planet shakers in melbourn 2007, or if we cant we are going to go to adelaid to influence 2007 ppl aere saying ps are going to be ther..
are you going to influence i have never been have you...

Posted by Nicole in Adelaide @ 07:56 on Jun 20 2006

I have gone to PlanetShakers for the past two years, and it was the best time of my life! The conferences changed my life and made me a whole new person. It was the best fun ever! I got a letter in the mail about 2007 PlanetShakers. I was so excited, until I saw the dates and found out they were not coming to Adelaide. It is so important that I go. I have been looking forward to PlanetShakers ever since the day it ended. I think I speak for myself and many others when I say that I am very unhappy that the Planet Shakers team are not coming to Adelaide or Sydney.

Posted by Nicole in Australia @ 07:52 on Jun 20 2006


Posted by Cass in Australia @ 05:35 on Jan 7 2006

ok...theres this other guy in PS who does base and backup vocals- RUDY! HE IS SO SWEET! i was at the 10th Anniversary Planetshakers Conference. I met Rudy and on the last day i saw him again and told him i had to go home. I GOT TO HUG HIM! He is such a total sweetie...and a HOTTIE. He knows me now and I'm so going to the 11thAPSC and he said that he hopes to see me there. PEOPLE--- I REALLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO GO TO THESE CONFERENCES!!! It was one of the most uplifting times of my life. The Speakers there (Reggie Dabbs, Chris Hill and more) blew me away with their passionate appeal. LUV U ALL

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