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Article Title: Planetshakers
Author of reported comment: Cass
Comment Date: 05:35 on Jan 7 2006
Comment: ok...theres this other guy in PS who does base and backup vocals- RUDY! HE IS SO SWEET! i was at the 10th Anniversary Planetshakers Conference. I met Rudy and on the last day i saw him again and told him i had to go home. I GOT TO HUG HIM! He is such a total sweetie...and a HOTTIE. He knows me now and I'm so going to the 11thAPSC and he said that he hopes to see me there. PEOPLE--- I REALLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO GO TO THESE CONFERENCES!!! It was one of the most uplifting times of my life. The Speakers there (Reggie Dabbs, Chris Hill and more) blew me away with their passionate appeal. LUV U ALL
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