Reader Comments for GOD TV's Rory And Wendy Alec

These are reader comments for the article 'GOD TV's Rory And Wendy Alec'

Reader Comments

Posted by JLR in WI, U.S.A. @ 14:13 on Oct 25 2014

Maybe I missed it in the article, but might at least part of the Alecs' trouble be the false doctrine and unbiblical doctrine their operation promotes and that Rory and Wendy must themselves also espouse if they've sunk so much investment of time and money into it? the kind of word-faith and dominionist/new "apostolic" reformation teaching that populates so much of God TV's programming is spiritually prideful, and as Proverbs 16:18 points out (and King David, among others, experienced in Scripture), pride goes before a fall. Not all wanton misappropriation of the Word results in sexual sin or the approval of same, of course, but from Jim Bakker and Benny Hinn to Ernest Angley and Hillsong's soft pedaling on homosexuality (and Islam, but that's for another comment), there's certainly precedent in recent years. I don't wish the Alecs ill and do wish they would receive restoration and that their television operation would consistently promote truly biblical Christianity based on sound exegesis from a right hermeneutic. Until and if that occurs, I believe it's fair to postulate whether the error God TV and the Alecs promote (which goes far beyond a matter of taste and mere human error) may have had a part in their marital trouble.

Posted by Lorraine in Midlands UK @ 12:53 on Oct 24 2014

We understand God wants us to think positively, but it's not easy when our brain naturally focuses on negative thoughts related to our survival instinct (plenty of research available to back that up). However, I felt encouraged to exercise some positive thinking when I read this article, it helped remind me of my own failings and to avoid passing judgment. If Wendy was my real sister or Alec was my brother I would not want to make things worse for them by voicing any negative personal thoughts about them or their ministry publicly; they are already going through an awful time. The bible tells us that we Christians are all brothers and sisters, and to treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves. If we aim for positive thoughts like that we will please God and each other more often, so it's worth the effort. It's a measure of our spiritual maturity to demonstrate genuine love for each other, not just our nearest and dearest, and I'm grateful for the reminder.

Posted by Emac in n.ireland @ 16:31 on Oct 23 2014

i think mark G is on the money the man just got sick sore and tired of the whole thing, but thats just the way Christianity is set up at the moment its really not the real world, and you have to become something your not to ride the train and people at some stage just think i can't do this anymore and bolt, with that said you have a wife in pieces and she will feel the full force of all this. but as long as we persist with this silly christian way of doing things which isn't biblical by the way were going to get more and more of these tragedies. just be real church and stop making out your something your clearly not and lets let the beauty of genuineness rule the day. keep the chin up all!!

Posted by Jeff in Michigan USA @ 16:09 on Oct 23 2014

As we all go through our days and nights one thing becomes clear doesn't it? That being God's love is sure and ours is fleeting. We are being shown the truth continually and are learning to accept that Truth and stop pretending that we have not been made aware of God's love for all men. Both those who profess that love as well as those who deny it are born of that very love and continue in it whether we understand that or not the love is sure.

Posted by John, a journalist in Lincoln @ 12:33 on Oct 23 2014

Adultery is adultery and is abhorrent in the sight of Almighty God. When we try to hide this, it eventually backfires because what is hidden will be revealed - Luke 8 verse 17.
When viewing God TV it is noticeable that many of the programmes are associated with Charismatic and Word of Faith preachers who hog not only this tv channel but other so called christian tv stations. These tele evangelists live luxury life styles having mansions, aircraft, limousines, and employ security services to protect themselves from the general public. Their followers try to emulate them because of the prosperity doctrine they preach ie sowing financial seeds to receive God's blessings.
I have to say that they or their followers do not resemble anything like the New Testament Church of the Bible. They use titles of being a prophet, a pastor (no qualities of a shepherd), an apostle, and now bishop this and that.
Their organisations are seen to be businesses making money out of all sorts of things they market and sell. They employ accountants and are involved with tax evasion. And are beheld to be fleecing the flock.
The couple were engrossed in promoting what was deemed to be "revival" especially in the USA, South Africa, and in the UK. God TV televised these events and the leaders who were involved. When one speaks what is called speaking in tongues into the cameras lens and then speak again doing the same thing, this is nothing but gibberish. To make claims that it is of the Holy Spirit, is blasphemous!
So what has been sown folk will surely reap and I have to say this has been seen so far when people claim of a word wide revival coming our way. Instead, there has been a falling away as prophesied in God's Word - read 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 9 to 11.

Posted by BB in California @ 21:59 on Oct 22 2014

When the spouse of a fully disabled person who is a paid caregiver for said disabled person thinks it is ok to send $600 a month to support GodTv instead of paying for spousal care, children's education, bills etc., there is a problem with what GodTv is doing to solicit those funds. Just another televangelist biting the dust!

Posted by Jcas in England @ 20:38 on Oct 22 2014

Men are men. and God does (it is written in the bible) utilise men who run off to have children with other women.. it seems to be a theme. Two covenants are by two women with the same 'dad'.. That said, it is hardly fair on the women who get ill, and then their partners busy themselves on other women. It seems that God favours the men.. to have what they want.. whilst the women 'go without' and are expected to 'put up' with it or ship off.. hardly fair or right, but God seems to not care at all. Christians who spend others' money taking themselves abroad to 'help others' when they don't help their own neighbours in England and suchlike.. Who can stop an 'attack' by the devil, or make God do what is RIGHT??? seemingly no one.. God is LOVE; and hence the partners who run off are 'in love'.. and can't 'stop themselves'.. so there you have it, not necessarily the Devil, but 'LOVE' who is 'god' has done this.. hardly fair at all.. but since every woman who has been left sick and ill whilst their husbands decide to suddenly lack loyalty via their appendages OR God lets the Devil do what he will, with God's agreement; all I can say is; when does the 'man' become responsible and God and the Devil 'stop' becoming responsible..?? who sold us 'marriage' in the first place, only for men to not care two hoots about their 'vows'.. Why does God let the Devil treat women like garbage?? and when does GOD become responsible??? All I can say is this:-
God doesn't seem to be happy until all of us suffer and are miserable.. even though we have a little life, not knowing much; when does the good stuff happen; all those that WANT ; when do they get that in their lives??? (apart from the men servicing themselves!!).

Posted by Eliza in UK @ 20:15 on Oct 22 2014

Is God not still the POtter? I agree that putting pieces back together will be different but not necessarily worse. It didn`t happen to me re marriage but did re career and now after reaching the bottom, I walk on foundations of jewels

Posted by Mark G in SouthWest @ 19:18 on Oct 22 2014

Long winded article with some good points. Bottom line is that to me it seems clear Rory has not been happy for some time. Maybe, Rory tired of money worries and the constant demands of being accountable for this and that.

It is interesting that Wendy made mention that Rory was a musician with a penchant for drums and particularly piano. I didn't know this. Perhaps, tired of the spotlight and pressures all he wanted was to do music.

So, back in familiar territory in S Africa he had an opportunity to go back to his musical roots. Before him was a lady shared his love of music and was happy to embrace and encourage him. Perhaps, Rory was wishing that he was again sharing that lifestyle with Wendy. It is of note that his lover does look like Wendy with that familiar hairstyle.

I was at the Revival Centre launch in January. Rory and Wendy relayed about the pressures of money. The warning signs were there. Perhaps, it had gotten to the stage were Rory wanted out and would have like to have said 'hey guys, I want to do music. Can we have another front man'.

Knowing that couldn't happen he opted for the seemingly next best thing.

Posted by Joyce Elaine Christi in USA @ 17:46 on Oct 22 2014

awesome my friend well written

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