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Article Title: GOD TV's Rory And Wendy Alec
Author of reported comment: Jcas
Comment Date: 20:38 on Oct 22 2014
Comment: Men are men. and God does (it is written in the bible) utilise men who run off to have children with other women.. it seems to be a theme. Two covenants are by two women with the same 'dad'.. That said, it is hardly fair on the women who get ill, and then their partners busy themselves on other women. It seems that God favours the men.. to have what they want.. whilst the women 'go without' and are expected to 'put up' with it or ship off.. hardly fair or right, but God seems to not care at all. Christians who spend others' money taking themselves abroad to 'help others' when they don't help their own neighbours in England and suchlike.. Who can stop an 'attack' by the devil, or make God do what is RIGHT??? seemingly no one.. God is LOVE; and hence the partners who run off are 'in love'.. and can't 'stop themselves'.. so there you have it, not necessarily the Devil, but 'LOVE' who is 'god' has done this.. hardly fair at all.. but since every woman who has been left sick and ill whilst their husbands decide to suddenly lack loyalty via their appendages OR God lets the Devil do what he will, with God's agreement; all I can say is; when does the 'man' become responsible and God and the Devil 'stop' becoming responsible..?? who sold us 'marriage' in the first place, only for men to not care two hoots about their 'vows'.. Why does God let the Devil treat women like garbage?? and when does GOD become responsible??? All I can say is this:- God doesn't seem to be happy until all of us suffer and are miserable.. even though we have a little life, not knowing much; when does the good stuff happen; all those that WANT ; when do they get that in their lives??? (apart from the men servicing themselves!!).
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