Reader Comments for Sexual Orientation Regulations 2006

These are reader comments for the article 'Sexual Orientation Regulations 2006'

Reader Comments

Posted by robert in stoke-on-trent @ 23:31 on Jun 17 2006

If the church thinks it is not in the wrong, why is it so afraid of the bill being passed?
I am bisexual, but have been confirmed and baptised, and have been involved in church for most of my life, yet the people who claim to be christian are friendly to my face, but then slate gays and lesbians off, as none of them know I am bisexual, which shows just how close minded the church really is. Maybe the new law will make the church come in line with the 21st century, and it may get back some of the people that it drove away in the first place.

Posted by nick in uk @ 22:43 on Jun 16 2006

The lack of compassion and respect shown by this article for vulnerable human beings makes me profoundly sad.

Posted by Scott in US @ 19:02 on Jun 8 2006

I'm Christian. One character defect I have is same sex attraction. I am married and have two children I love my wife (female and hetero) and kids wonderfully. It hasn't been easy. Sharing my experience strength and hope has left me open to criticism by Christians who are convinced this is a choice. My feelings are not my choice, my actions are. I chose not to act on the feelings. The law may close a churchs ability to support itself through rents, it may force school to close to the promotion of home school. History martyed us. We will never loose, our connection is Christ, not the world.

Posted by CG in Switzerland @ 16:07 on Jun 4 2006

This is the kind of attitude that turns so many people against Christianity. Jesus called us to love everyone - gay, straight, black, white, rich, poor. In Biblical times, Jesus spent time with tax collectors and prostitutes. Would he not spend time with the gay community in our times? Are gay people not also our neighbour?
Is someone who is gay a greater sinner than someone who has not sold all their possessions and shared everything with the poor? How many of us have done that? Let the person who is without sin cast the first stone.

Posted by Jen in Whitstable @ 18:34 on Jun 1 2006

This is an absolutely disgusting article. How dare you say that you don't want to discriminate but then say you do discriminate? A complete contradiction. Anyone who agrees with blatant discrimination is about as far from a true Christian as you could get. Grow up, and realise we're not in the dark ages.

Posted by John in Canterbury @ 13:20 on Jun 1 2006

We are Christians! We are commanded to love! Judge not lest ye be judged etc.! There is no time whatsoever when it is permissible to discriminate against anyone anywhere! Christian fellowships are supposed to be like shining lights in the darkness of the world... how can we show off God's love and grace if we turn away the very people that you claim need this grace and love the most? I agree, as with the incitement religious hatred law, mandating this sort of thing is terribly heavy-handed - but demanding the right to prejudice and discriminate is not only very wrong, it's positively unGodly.

Posted by Kingsley Igie in Benin City, Nigeria. @ 16:37 on May 30 2006

Any country or nation that is promulgating that kind of law is definitely telling God to go out of its country. It is an abomination! Christians over there should take their stand. And that law or act will never come to pass. It will surely fail. That may take place during the time of Anti-Christ: During the Great Tribulation, Not Now!!!

Posted by Judi in n.d. usa @ 19:05 on May 29 2006

Genesis 19
Judges l9

Thank the Lord for your backbone!

Reply by Mark Allenby in Northampton UK @ 17:45 on Mar 9 2007

It's all very well quoting Genesis 19 but can I suggest you have a look at Ezekiel 16 vv 49-50. God's judgement on Sodom went well beyond just the abuse of sex.

[report abuse]

Posted by Peter Rivendell in Manchester, UK @ 18:54 on May 26 2006

"Christians would never want to be homophobic or discriminate against homosexuals out of bigotry or prejudice."

Christians often like to say this but let`s face it, it isn`t true. If it was true, this article would support the law not decry it.

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