Reader Comments for Sexual Orientation Regulations 2006

These are reader comments for the article 'Sexual Orientation Regulations 2006'

Reader Comments

Posted by Mrs Gill Slight in Lancashire @ 19:06 on Jul 20 2006

First of all thank you for your courage in standing for the Truth in this age of 'wishy washy' Christianity.

Reading through some of the comments, it makes me wonder which Bible people are reading. Leviticus 18 v 22 clearly warns about the sin of homosexuality and if anyone needs 'new testament' proof, - it's right there in 1Corinthians 6 v 9-10. (see also Romans 1 v's 26 - 32).

Yes, we are called to love everyone but also to urge people to turn from their sin because of the consequences, which are, eternal separation from God.

Posted by Peter Rivendell in Manchester, UK @ 15:08 on Jun 26 2006

I have bad news The mind-numbingly hypocritical attitude of Christians towards homosexuality is based on social attitutes at the time the Bible was written, or more accurately, assembled.

This is one of the few social attitudes of the time that Christians still nonsensically cling to. The rest have been abandoned.

In a world full of violence, injustice, hunger, starvation, poverty, oppression and disease, why do Christians even care about homosexuality? If Christians gave the remotest thought to the teaching of the lord they never shut up about, they would be too busy helping people...

Reply by Herbert Macaulay in Bromley @ 14:24 on Sep 28 2006

Well, i have even more bad news for you.
Cultures change and evolve, but the heart of man remains the same. God also remains the same. homosexualism and lesbianism was wrong then and it is still wrong regardless of cultural differences

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Posted by Herbert Macaulay in Bromley @ 14:54 on Jun 20 2006

The article is indeed disturbing and a blight on our faith. I agree that same gender sex is wrong because the bible says so, but so is lying, stealing, adultery in thoughts and actions, idolatry etc. So if no one is without sin as Christ said, why would a christian offer services to everyone except homosexuals and lesbians? I believe a lot of Christians need to understand the heart of God. Having said all that, i will like to close by calling all sinners to repent of their sins and get baptised into Christ. if you have repented and been baptised before you dont have to do that again.

Reply by Shola osibona in Elstree @ 20:03 on Sep 2 2006

I totally agree with what Herbert Macualay has said

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Posted by Mark Holdcroft in stoke-on-Trent, UK @ 13:54 on Jun 20 2006

As christians I believe our lives should reflect the life and walk of Jesus. Jesus's love was for all sinners, whether gay or straight. However Jesus calls us to leave our lives of sin, in whatever form that sin takes. Showing true love to somebody caught up in any sin, (whether homosexuality, fornication, or anthing else for that matter), whilst at the same time not condoning the sin, is something that that the church has always struggled with. However, Jesus managed it and so should we.

Posted by stevo t in Derbyshire, UK @ 13:46 on Jun 20 2006

we are called 2 love and not judge. jesus spent his time with sinners. so compassion, respect and understanding for should characterize christianity.

However many of the damning comments made strike me as being self-contradictory; far from loving to our sister in Christ, Andrea Williams. As the article demands, READ THE FULL PACK, and judge the law for yourself. But respond in love.

I am thankful 4 the efforts of the Lawyers Christian Fellowship for thier work in raising awareness of political issues+legislation that they feel the christian population of this country should know about.

Posted by LESLEY in SCOTLAND @ 13:10 on Jun 20 2006

Yes God is love but He is also HOLY. He can't stand sin. His standard has never changed though the world's standard has. He has the power to change the sin if we admit it and come to the cross and live the life He died to give us. Homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God. He will heal and set free those who will come to Him no matter what the sin. I was involved in homosexual relationships and came under fearful conviction of sin. I am now free. So free I'm not even tempted and have deep peace within. Christ saves to the uttermost. HIS IS THE POWER AND THE GLORY.

Posted by Barry Boyd in teesside @ 08:57 on Jun 20 2006

The bible is the only guide for a Christian life. This makes it plainly clear that homosexuality and lesbianism are an abomination to God. (See Romans ch 1) It is no good saying God is a God of love so we can do as we wish. To be a Christian we all have to submit to Gods Word - the Day of Judgement is not far away ! We all need to repent of that which offends God. It is true love to tell homosexuals of the wrong they are doing.

Posted by ED Englerth in Michigan USA @ 19:22 on Jun 19 2006

Would the SOR be evenhanded? Could heterosexuals access places promoting homosexuality to promote heterosexual lifestyle? Could heterosexuals rent a room etc from homosexuals? It would seem so. According to the article, “illegal for anyone who provides… discriminate…whether they are homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual.” Take the article, reverse the sexual orientation of those involved, and then ask what would happen.

If the SOR becomes law, then Christians should ‘with love’ keep taking Jesus into the market place via living out our love for God and love for our ‘neighbor’.

Posted by Chris Winn in Gateshead @ 14:18 on Jun 19 2006

Whilst it must be great for the Church to be scripturally right 24/7, let's be really careful we're not hiding our fears behind our faith. Jesus makes it clear - "Love your enemies". Simple test - how many people in your church are homosexual? Let me guess it's zero. If anybody has the heart, check out what God is doing at Glide Church( in San Francisco. This church is the second biggest provider of social care programs in the whole city. Caring for AIDS sufferers is an unequivocal demonstration of God's unconditional love. Let the Church's ministry be bold!

Posted by Neil (Youth Pastor) in Chesterfield @ 12:45 on Jun 19 2006

Thanx for your great atricle - I cannot believe that Christians can disagree with it. To be a Bible based living Christian means that we will naturally discriminate against people - we are called to love people but not their sin. I agree that God's grace and mercy be shared but along side repntance and turning away from sin. This means saying no to people - we are called by God to keep the sanctity and purity of His people and buildings - which means turning people away. God calls all of us to be pure in thought & deed - homosexuality is not this.

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