Reader Comments for Troubled Times For Hammond

These are reader comments for the article 'Troubled Times For Hammond'

Reader Comments

Posted by james in indy @ 10:09 on Oct 11 2010

Fred , love u my brother we have never met but we were raised just the same. Holiness with out which no man shall see the Lord. we see thru a glass darkly bro but then face to face. i know in part ; but then shall i know even as also i am known 1cor 13;12
and jacob called the name of the place Peniel for i have seen God face to face, and my LIFE IS PRESERVED Gen 32;30... Be healed and blessed my dear friend in the name that is above EVERY NAME!

Posted by Pastor Warren Coble in Texas @ 22:01 on Oct 2 2010

I feel your pain and embarrasment. I too have felt the sting of being on a seperate of the one you love.
God will mend you both,I know he will. God can and will take the hurt of of your pain and you will laugh again. Jesus is LORD and God is GOD.

Posted by KennyWhyte in Nigeria @ 22:07 on Sep 28 2010

there is nothing to hard for God. "tough times never last, but tough people do." there is no problem free life which means problems can be solved. DIVORCE is out of it. love your songs.

Posted by gbenga in nigeria @ 09:11 on Sep 21 2010

Fred i want you to know that you have been a blessing to my brother and i. don't really have anything to say about the issue of divorce, but i know the balm of gilead is always available to heal where it hurts the most. KEEP BLESSING EVERYONE AND STAY BLESSED

Posted by Rachelle Najera in Phoenix, AZ @ 20:22 on Sep 11 2010

First and foermost I thank God for you being who you are and allowing god to use your life as a praise to him..... also the ministry you have touches so many people from the hurt, and emotionaly bruised, and to all backgrounds, social status, I think you unserstand what I am trying to say, "So many different Poeple" and even though you have gone through some tough times with your former wife you remain strong in faith, and continue to press foward, with nothing hindering you... what an awesome testimony for your self and for others. I was introduced to your music by a man that I loved soo much and still hold dear to my heart, but he I not in God's plan for my life... and that's ok. Had I never met him, I might not ever known and come to love your ministy of praise and worship. "Make time for love" IS MY LIFE STORY & How do you love that way" BRINGS ME TO MY KNEES. GOD IS BLESSING ALL YOU DO!!!!

Posted by Patrick Massengale in Goodyear, AZ @ 15:28 on Sep 10 2010

I know it's hard, and Mr. Hammond is human, but this too shall pass. What about the times in my life when I was down, tempted to pursue things I thought could bring me immediate, temporary satisfaction, and elected to listen to Mr. Hammond's music which has been more powerful than any drug, or other activity available at the time? Or when "they" called me a lazy no good for nothing, and I listened to "Call Me Righteous"? Mr. Hammond stand tall you have more lives to save. Thank You!

Posted by Lisa P. in Georgia @ 02:52 on Sep 10 2010

Hi Fred, Sorry to hear about your divorce. I know how it feels because i have been down that road too. I agree, you should make a love song to get it out of your system. Questions: Will you remarried her if she asks? And when are you coming to Georgia? May God Bless!!!!!!

Posted by RITA GORDON in PHILA ,PA @ 08:41 on Sep 8 2010

Hi Fred I just want to say may God Bless You, I love your music so much! I can recall when I was going through so much pain and agony from a torn relationship, and family matters, I was so depressed. Your music brought me to a place in a life that I'm still standing strong despite the turbulence I still face today in life, your music is such a healer to me. I keep your music close to my heart, in fact I'm listening to your CD "Purpose By Design" at this very moment. This is my favorite CD. I never thought that you could hurt and go through what so many of us go through in life. I had to look at you as being human. I feel like you are my savior next to God. I'm listening to the song "Yes He Will" as I write to you. Please know that God will.... Sincerely Rita

Posted by Simone in Cape Town,South Africa @ 12:19 on Sep 6 2010

Hi Fred i just wanna say that you have been an inspiration to me all the way,im inlove with all your songs cause you have the anointing.i know divorce is painfull especially for a man of god,my dad is also going through a divorce,but i wanna say keep on keeping on for god.only he knows what you going through.people can judge and critisize but god knows every detail in your life and he does'nt judge.god bless you and your music.

Posted by Harmoni Shaw in Tulsa oklahoma @ 20:11 on Aug 22 2010

I've never been married one day hope I can get married one when God send me that great man when you came to oklahoma you touch my life ever since I was young I always looked up to you I alway told my family that fred hammond going to be my husband oneday if God allow it to be when my dad got me ticket to your concert I was so happy also I thank God that you have made music that has touch my life in so many way I try everyday to touch so many life with Gods word before I go thanks for touching my life take care God Bless keep ya head up.

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