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Article Title: Troubled Times For Hammond
Author of reported comment: Rachelle Najera
Comment Date: 20:22 on Sep 11 2010
Comment: First and foermost I thank God for you being who you are and allowing god to use your life as a praise to him..... also the ministry you have touches so many people from the hurt, and emotionaly bruised, and to all backgrounds, social status, I think you unserstand what I am trying to say, "So many different Poeple" and even though you have gone through some tough times with your former wife you remain strong in faith, and continue to press foward, with nothing hindering you... what an awesome testimony for your self and for others. I was introduced to your music by a man that I loved soo much and still hold dear to my heart, but he I not in God's plan for my life... and that's ok. Had I never met him, I might not ever known and come to love your ministy of praise and worship. "Make time for love" IS MY LIFE STORY & How do you love that way" BRINGS ME TO MY KNEES. GOD IS BLESSING ALL YOU DO!!!!
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