Paul Calvert reports on his trip to the most densely populated place on earth

Continued from page 2

Some of the Christian community are nominal Christians. If the Christian is not strong enough, then the pressure can convince them to be converted. This has become very painful for the Christian community in Gaza. What is needed at the moment is strong Christian discipleship, helping the Christian to know what they believe.

The most important thing for Christians is to have a personal relationship with the Lord; to know their Bible and be educated in apologetics in order to answer the questions they face from the Muslim community.

During my trip, I felt the need to come back again to Gaza and not just for one day, but to come back for a week, just to encourage the youth and bring them some hope and show them some love. After all that is what Jesus would do.

Pray for the Gaza Church that they would know God and know their faith.

Pray for Pastors that they could develop discipleship amongst their community.

Pray for the youth who face many pressures.

Ask God to ignite that power of the Holy Spirit in their lives so that they can see that they can make a difference in their community. CR

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