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Article Title: The Gaza Road
Author of reported comment: Shirley Smith
Comment Date: 18:58 on Aug 4 2012
Comment: This is an article that every Christian prayer warrior needs to read. We who live in places where we are free to worship as we desire only endure skepticism and mild taunts. Most of us do not realize what conditions other Christians throughout the world face daily. It is easy for us to try to judge their allegiance to the Lord but, while reading this, it struck me that those who accept Christ in such adverse conditions have to "grow up quickly" in a spiritual sense. Yet, it is these very people who often do not have others around them that are spiritually mature to help guide them and teach them. While thanking God that we are blessed not to have to walk in their shoes, we need to dedicate ourselves to praying fervently for these Christians in Gaza and other spiritually-oppressed areas of the world.
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