Reader Comments for Human - Out Of The Dust

These are reader comments for the article 'Human - Out Of The Dust'

Reader Comments

Posted by Janet in Santa Barbara @ 23:31 on Jul 31 2009

Hey Vic! What new CD?! I agree with Steve P above (June 5 09) I've worn out 2 Out of the Dust CDs and am ording them in bulk now on eBay (Ha!) I need NEW NEW NEW.

Posted by Carol in Katy, TX @ 19:21 on Jun 29 2009

Hey Vic! Your new cd appears to have knocked the ratings nearly to the top! Way to go. We should play your music at work, huh. See you at HD.

Posted by Steve Parrott in Camden, SC @ 04:30 on Jun 5 2009

Dear Band, Out of the Dust is without question the best CD I have ever purchased. I found grabbing CD's out of a bargin bend in a Christian Book store while on vacation at Disney World. From Jars of Clay to Wide Spread to Shine Down, nothing touches this work you created. My heart, soul and mind enjoy the lyrics, sound, vocals all wrapped together. I can "veg out" or crank it while working out, anywhere seems to fit this CD. I'd be devastated if I lost it.
You guys have so much to give and wish I had more of your works together. But if not, thank you for the wonder gift you gave us and God Bless. At my lowest, you and my Bible saw me through. From the moment I heard it, I put on my goal list to one day meet you and look forward to that day. My best to you all and please let me know if there is more to come in the future. If you had a book about this one project, I'd be the first in line! I always tell my self and kids "Never Give Up" and with your music, I never will! Be Blessed.

Posted by Erick Garcia in Houston @ 16:54 on Mar 6 2009

Alister - the EIGHT28 cd was shelved unfortunately...but luckily...I do have a copy. I can't sell it due to copyrights. I can send you a few tracks if you'd like to take a listen.

Janet - each one of us has continued in music in one form or another. I personally do session work and live performances with bands that hire me. I'm also in a Classic Rock band! Vic continues writing for his project...Dean is a sound engineer\producer...Carl is keeping it on the down low...Randy i'm not quite sure what he's up to these days.

Music is part of our would have been awesome if human would have stayed together. Who knows...maybe...just maybe...something will give and we'll play together again someday.

Thanks to all of you that has kept us in their thoughts. It's good to see that we have some fans out there!

Posted by Janet in Santa Barbara @ 21:50 on Feb 24 2009

Where are they now? Each must have successful careers in music -- I want to hear more, more, more from them!

Posted by Erick Garcia in Houston @ 18:43 on Feb 16 2009

Hello Jason...yes...there was another project Randy and I worked on a year after human's was called EIGHT28 with Billy Smiley as our producer. The CD (Systems Down - 2001) was completed however it was never released. Unfortunately, the band broke up just prior to release. We have all worked on other projects since then however the band human has never reunited and from the looks of things...don't see it happening anytime in the near future. Be cool. Erick Garcia - Drummer

Reply by Alister in Chicagoland @ 03:36 on Mar 2 2009

So - this EIGHT28 album that never got released.... Any chance of hearing it one of these days? If it's anything like as good as Out... then it HAS to be made available! Thanks for taking the time to talk with us dear ex-Humans (haha-ahhh), by the way - it's much appreciated.

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Posted by Jason in San Diego @ 18:23 on Jan 15 2009

Has Randy sang on any CDs since Human?

Posted by T.K. Hanke in Houston, Texas @ 15:01 on Aug 18 2008

I actually got this CD from a "99"New Year's eve concert Human did, promoted by our local radio station KSBJ.
It was Human, Burlap to Cashmere and the Supertones.
What a concert ! We also got a T-shirt and poster signed by the band. Several years later we were coming out of a Houston guitar store and a man stopped us and asked my son where he got that Human T-shirt. We told him we got it at a concert and the older son had given it to the younger son.
So it was a "Hand me Down". The man was Vic Sapp.
He was really cool, talking to my boys (both guitarist) about practicing everyday. He took time out of his day to encourage my boys. I agree it is a great album and should be re-released.

Reply by Carl Sapp in Texas @ 03:03 on Jan 31 2009

That was a great show. It was a rainy evening and we did another at a club right after. Good times. Thanks for your kind words and support. Human fans are the best fans. Carl Sapp- Lead Guitar

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Posted by Taylor Heinzen in Manitowoc WI @ 23:38 on Jul 29 2008

I won this CD at a concert back in Febuary and I really didnt expect it to be all that great. But once i listened to it, i was not only impressed, but overwhelmed. This CD was incredibly well produced. I thought to myself, this has to be work from the past 5 years. But no. I checked the label and it was made in the mid- late 90's. Guys this music is way ahead of its time!!! If you were to re-release this CD, it would be a hit! Brilliant songwriting both lyrically and musically. And was that a U2 song after Hand Me Down??? I loved it! Please let me know if you have anymore music and if your still playing!!!

Reply by Vic Sapp @ 21:51 on Sep 1 2008

Thanks for the kind words! It is a great disc and and some of those songs were a little ahead of their time. The Church I don't think knew how to understand the music and band...

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Posted by Troy Bird in Roanoke Va @ 19:20 on Jun 25 2008

Wow i'm soo happy to find this. My wife had this album before we got married, when she was 16-17. i used to listen to you guys late at night when i would travel to Mississippi to see her. that was ten years ago, we've been married 8 years. you guys help us through some rough times and you inspired me in my music career. I've been playing Christian rock for 8 years now. I have two questions one: do you have any advice for a Christian rock band who seems to not fit into the premade molds record company's are looking for. and Two: please tell me what Fat mans delicacy means!!! Thanks so much you guys are my hero's.

Troy Roanoke VA
South of Sanity

Reply by Carl Sapp in Texas @ 03:11 on Jan 31 2009

Fat man was a song I wrote about about a over indulged king who tempted with his delicacies. Based on my intent to interpret Proverbs 23. Thanks for your kind comments.

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Reply by Jason George in Tomball, Tx. @ 15:53 on Dec 4 2008

Hey, Troy...

The song "Fat Man's Delicacy", according to Vic, during their first radio interview on KSBJ (89.3 FM), is "A song about a sandwich"! :D

Seriously, it's about Proverbs 23, as far as I remember.

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Reply by Vic Sapp @ 22:30 on Aug 26 2008

My advice in regards to be different than the rest. Keep being different dude!!! Thats where the "new" music comes from right? Different is "original"... Hang in there...

The song Fatman comes from the mind of my brother Carl Sapp. I'll get him to answer that for you soon.

We've got another thing coming up real soon. New music, new band, new vibes.

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