Reader Comments for Janny Grein Dies

These are reader comments for the article 'Janny Grein Dies'

Reader Comments

Posted by J B Wade in Fort Worth, Tx @ 21:24 on Jul 2 2015

I discovered Janny at Calvary Cathederal , the one than blew away in the tornado years ago. Rodney Howard Brown's service. She is remarkable. Her song, "Stronger Than Before" saved my life and mind when I lost my son in a custody battle and his dad kidnapped him. He was 14 yrs old at the time. I did not see him again until he was 17. I cried myself to sleep for three months while I listened to that song at night til GOD brought me comfort and healed my heart and mind. Then I heard Gloria Copeland preach the message when GOD told her to pray for 'mercy to cover her son John', I began to pray that for my son. When he left his dad at age 17 and told me he was coming home, I know God kept him for me all those years. I still pray that for my son today and his family.I'm so grateful for her and the music she brought to us. Thank you Janny.

Posted by Doc Haynes in Australia @ 21:18 on Jun 15 2015

Great music we can all be blessed to keep the music moving The lord Jesus is the Christ.

Posted by Donna Caldwell in Orlando, Fla @ 05:57 on May 30 2015

I bought 2 cassette tapes by Janny at a Rodney Howard Brown meeting, I played it the other day and it broke. Where can I buy more of her music? Spiritual freedom, Janny. Love her music.

Posted by Joshua in Texas/Tennessee/Virginia @ 07:05 on Apr 26 2015

This is the first music my young ears heard in East Texas in the early eighties. I recently bought a copy of the album me and my sister grew up on as toddlers. I still remember so much of it even though it must be close to 30 years ago. This music is a blessing and touched my life is unknown ways. I bought two records and when the other comes in the mail I will send it to my mother who will enjoy listening to Janny again. "Build your house on a rock!"

Posted by Portia in Chicago @ 19:45 on Mar 21 2015

WOW, I just happen to think of Janny's song and started to singing it here at home moment ago. "All of my life I searched for you......and I thought, wonder what Janny is doing these days..... so I went on the web and searched her name. I had no Idea she was fighting cancer. II first heard Janny sing in the late 1980's at Wheaton Christian Center. At the time I was really going through what I call a LIFE experience. Janny began singing her song, "All of my heart". That song changed my life. I later did puchase her book entitled, Called, Appointed and Anointed which really gave me insight and direction in the area of the call to minister to the lost. God Bless You Janny. Thank you so much for the music you left on this side of life. May all who hears it experience the impact of salvation and deliverance as did.

Posted by Lana in New Jersey @ 10:41 on Mar 19 2015

Janny's music was very transformative to me in the early years of my walk with the Lord. Years later I am a Pastor, and in a moment of great spiritual challenge, her music came back to my heart. I was so happy to find her music on YouTube, and tried to look her up to see if I could have her come perform. I was so saddened to see she had passed, but I know where she is, and I am so happy for her. I will hear her sing again when I join her.

Posted by Donna Hansen in Evansdale, IA @ 02:40 on Jan 14 2015

I graduated with this beautiful person in 1964 from Joplin, MO. I had not known of her or what she had been doing until today. I only wish I had known and been able to follow her career and beenjoy able to listen and purchase her beautiful works. What I missed out on saddens me deeply. Is there anyway to purchase some of her albums etc. Janice RIP

Posted by aaron in chicago, il @ 04:50 on Aug 22 2014

Thank you Janny you and your music changed my life.

Posted by Karen in Fort Worth @ 18:36 on Apr 9 2014

Janny Grein brought the 91st Psalm to me in such a personal way. It's remained my "refuge" passage so often, and I cannot think of it without hearing her voice singing it. So very sorry we've lost her, but know she's with the Lord in peace and eternal love.

Reply by Cynthia in Grapevine @ 15:31 on Aug 6 2014

I so agree! I have tried downloading her older albums on iTunes and they aren't available. Does anyone know how I can get her older albums?

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Posted by Victor Emah in Nigeria @ 12:47 on Feb 2 2014

I first listened to Janny's music in 1989/1990 as a young Christian in my brother's house and I so loved it. Unfortunately I never got her name right and ended up using the last 20+ years searching for the music I loved so well. I only stumbled on her this morning - 2 Feb 14 only to read that she died few years back. Janny, I was blessed by your music and I'm still blessed. God bless you.

Reply by Steve Turnbull in Ft Pierce @ 20:36 on Dec 3 2014

Wow Victor,
I could have said the exact same thing. I was at a prison
road camp when I first heard her music. She played a
huge part in changing my life. I too finally found her.
She is loved also by me. God Bless...

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