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Article Title: Shipwrecked Faith
Author of reported comment: carilyn
Comment Date: 01:33 on Jun 27 2018
Comment: I wish that when I was growing up, there had been more sermons about how Christians can lose their salvation and that it is indeed possible for a born again Christian to wind up in hell,... Ways a Christian can wind up in hell: (1) Deliberately continuing sin with knowledge of the truth: Hebrews 10:25-30 (2) Turning away from God Hebrews 6:4-8 (3) Not abiding in His Word and in Church attendance: (not reading Bible daily or regularly) John 15:5-6 (4) Sowing to the flesh and reaping destruction: Galatians 6:8 (5) Narrow is the way that leads to eternal life: Matthew 7:13-14 Narrow way = do the opposite of what your sinful nature feels like doing, take up the cross. Kingdom of heaven taken by force violently (putting to death sinful desires) (6) Diligence to obey the word James 1:21 - receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. (7) Losing salvation: The narrow way of salvation: (1) Read God's word and apply it to your life through SOAP devotional study, (2) Develop fruit of spirit (3) Repent and confess all sin, weed out sin from garden of heart (4) Holiness and obedience to leading of Spirit, walk by faith not by sight. (5) Do the opposite of what you feel like doing = put to death sinful nature, (take kingdom of heaven by force = violently put to death sinful desires and feelings) Please preach the narrow way of obedience to God's word as the true way to salvation. Matthew 7:21 Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.​ Shipwrecked, carilyn
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