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Article Title: Petra Change
Author of reported comment: Mike Besvold
Comment Date: 19:18 on Apr 9 2018
Comment: Petra is the greatest band created! their message is straight from the bible and just blows you away, I'm a drummer so I had a instant liking to Louie and his amazing style, after 5 yrs of being a huge fan I get a call at work, the person says "Hi, this is Louie from Petra, I'm coming to your church to play a drum Testimony seminar, do you think I could us your drums" my youth pastor told him I have a nice kit... of course I said yes!! he came, played and stayed in town for a few day so we got to hang out, go shopping, have breakfast, I was almost speechless being in presents of my favorite drummer, it was amazing... so months later they play a big show in St Paul Mn, they had a autograph session before the show, as I'm waiting in line hoping he would remember me, I hear someone yelling my name, yep it was louie standing on his chair, he invited me to the sound check where I got to get on stage and play his famous Mickey Mouse drums and then have dinner back stage with the band and a few others, what a group of guys, so humble and what a way to repay me for using my drums.. ill never forget that day, Louie you will always be the Greatest in my Eyes, don't know what I would do with out you guys! thanks for being a huge part of my life. God Bless
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