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Article Title: GOD TV's Rory And Wendy Alec
Author of reported comment: Guy stevens
Comment Date: 19:09 on Apr 26 2015
Comment: IT all ways hurts when some won you Love makes a big misstak,esspecialy in marrige,because there is a lot of ressponsability to see two.we who belive in the word and take IT seriously all ways feel for that person WHO has Done IT . This tradgity effekts all that are family,because IT has to do whith trust,but when it is betrade, thats what is hurting.the betraile of the trust.who is guilty? We all are guilty No one is frie from failjer? We are not perfect,but we try to be? I am sure that allsides of the family are hurting in som way or another.when we are hurting, isent IT that we need praier? We who are strong shall prey for the hurting,(weak)we are all in the same big family? Because we have the same father who is in Heaven.we allso feel there pain,because we are of the same family?there are meny familys that have broken harts in all things concerning this life in this world.But do not give up your faith in GOD are father who is in heaven. Because he is are ever lasting love.And he Will never fail uss. So god loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that who so ever beliveth in him shall have eternel life.i hope you can understand my english? And Writhing?i am not a god spela. God bless you all that is concernd.
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