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Article Title: Dave Ornellas, d 2010
Author of reported comment: KEZIA
Comment Date: 10:37 on Feb 26 2015
Comment: Wow! I was a little girl, but I remember very well Dave as a this amazing Rock singer with a raspy voice. I had never heard that kind of singing in church, at that stage in my life I only associated it with radio and non-gospel singers. The difference between him and the worldly singers is what I understand now as grace, as the love of God and love for God. I saw and heard him when he visited a local church in Harare, maybe early 80s or 90s. But two days ago I woke up from a dream singing a song that I didn't know it's lyrics quite well. The words that kept coming to me are: "...conquerers, masters and kings...". Those words remained in my little head, all those years back. I typed the words in the youtube slot and voila! I found the song. Thanks for putting up the songs, such a blessing.
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