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Article Title: GOD TV's Rory And Wendy Alec
Author of reported comment: Mark G
Comment Date: 10:16 on Oct 22 2014
Comment: Long winded article with some good points. Bottom line is that to me it seems clear Rory has not been happy for some time. Maybe, Rory tired of money worries and the constant demands of being accountable for this and that. It is interesting that Wendy made mention that Rory was a musician with a penchant for drums and particularly piano. I didn't know this. Perhaps, tired of the spotlight and pressures all he wanted was to do music. So, back in familiar territory in S Africa he had an opportunity to go back to his musical roots. Before him was a lady shared his love of music and was happy to embrace and encourage him. Perhaps, Rory was wishing that he was again sharing that lifestyle with Wendy. It is of note that his lover does look like Wendy with that familiar hairstyle. I was at the Revival Centre launch in January. Rory and Wendy relayed about the pressures of money. The warning signs were there. Perhaps, it had gotten to the stage were Rory wanted out and would have like to have said 'hey guys, I want to do music. Can we have another front man'. Knowing that couldn't happen he opted for the seemingly next best thing.
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