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Article Title: He Knows
Author of reported comment: Brandon
Comment Date: 21:12 on Oct 19 2014
Comment: Thanks jeremy for making this song I was just on youtube and saw this song and this song spoke to me because me and my girlfriend are on a little break and ive been praying that god will work in her heart to help her figure out what she needs to figure out in her life and to bring her closer to him and ive been praying also that me and her will get back together and be happy again and worship god together and im still hurt alittle but god answered one of my prayers that he will show me a sign that she still loves me and last night she said she still loves me and I said thank you god. So this song spoke to me, its like god is speaking to me through this song hes saying to me that he knows im hurt hes making changes in my life and my girlfriends life and in everyones life I will buy this song on itunes. One a scale to 1 to 10 I give this song an 11.
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