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Article Title: The Lego Movie
Author of reported comment: Cai Carney
Comment Date: 15:54 on Feb 16 2014
Comment: I always read your articles and feel that this is yet another example of personal liking towards a movie, and the inner critic within you. I personally liked the one you wrote about "Ender's Game," because I feel that was probably one of the most underrated movies of all of last year. I was at least ten times better than "Man of Steel," yet the Superman movie did better on Metacritic than "Ender's Game." All "Man of Steel" was, was brainless CGI overload, and plain performances. It might also be because I am still heated over the fact that everyone hated "Superman Returns," so they kicked Brandon Routh out of the cape and gave it to an actor who hasn't done anything good to date (Henry Cavill). I think that Superman Returns is one of the most underrated films of the decade, but Hanna takes the top spot (Cate Blanchett as an evil killer is nothing short of exciting!).
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