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Article Title: Philomena
Author of reported comment: Simon Dillon
Comment Date: 22:58 on Nov 26 2013
Comment: Mark, I agree with some of what you say, but much as I am reluctant to act as a self-appointed theology policeman, here are just two problems I have with what Catholicism teaches: 1) At what point in the Bible is Christ anti-contraception? There is not a single reference to this. Therefore it is up to individual Christians, in their own personal relationship with God, to decide what they think. 2) When it comes to who should be church leaders, the New Testament teaches the exact opposite of what the Catholic church teaches - it says (along with some other very strict criteria) that they should be married (1 Timothy Chapter 5 verse 22-23). That's before I even get into the weightier matters of how the Catholic church teaches that Mary is divine. Then there's the whole Pergatory business (essentially doing away with all concept of a loving God in the process). I once challenged a Catholic friend of mine to read the Bible and find a single mention of Pergatory. There isn't one! There are many good Catholics in the world. I have Catholic friends and relatives. Furthermore, I admire many of the most famous Catholics, including Mother Teresa and JRR Tolkien. But when it comes to what the Catholic church actually teaches, I have more than a few problems. All of this is outside of the appalling abuses that took place in the Magdalene Laundries (incidentally, I find it incredibly ironic that they were named after the woman on whom Christ had so much mercy). Yes - there are many other bad things that have gone on in other Christian denominations, but Philomena (the film) rightly and properly condemns this in the strongest possible way.
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