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Article Title: Turbulance Spreads In The Explosive Middle East
Author of reported comment: leanne_maybe
Comment Date: 10:32 on Sep 3 2013
Comment: 'both sides put forth positions that had earlier been rejected by the other side. Among them was the continuing Palestinian Authority insistence that PM Netanyahu halt all Jewish home construction in the disputed territories north and south of Jerusalem and in the eastern half of the capital city itself before serious bargaining can actually take place. Israeli officials made clear this was not on the horizon. Meanwhile the Israeli Premier came under more scathing criticism for agreeing last month to release over 100 Palestinian security prisoners' - this feels like another biased article from Cross Rhythms - according to this "both sides" put forward positions that had earlier been rejected by the other side, but only the Palestinian one is mentioned using the words "continuing insistence". The Israeli demands are not mentioned, but the fact that they have released hundreds of prisoners and have been criticised for it is mentioned. Maybe try critiquing the demands too - is it really unfair to ask that disputed land is not built on while negotiations take place? What kind of commitment does it show to a genuine openess to resolution if you continue doing what you've always done as though you know you're going to win?
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