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Article Title: Troubled Times For Hammond
Author of reported comment: Patricia Owens
Comment Date: 13:33 on Aug 19 2013
Comment: Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening, I don't know when you'll be reading this. I just want to say thank you for allowing your self to be an instrument in the hands of God. I have never been divorced although I contemplated it so many times. My husband and I were separated for over a year after his marital infidelities were exposed. I don't know the circumstances of your divorce and I refuse to speculate. I believe with all my heart that you are a true man of God and I know that you know what God says and how he feels about divorce. With that being said I pray that the lord's will alone be done in your life. He is the author and the finisher of your faith. He that has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Many times we try to fix up our own selves as we do when we fall down and scrape our knees. When we are severely hurt though we need to go to a hospital;were we can receive intensive care from doctors who have been taught how to fix severe injuries. No one can heal us like God. I pray that your heart will be as flesh in his hands and that you will allow him to bind up every wound and perform a healing for your soul. I know in my heart that God is faithful and he will perfect everything that concerneth you. He will give you a testimony that will glorify him and help somebody to know that he can do what no other can do! Until then I will keep praying for you and looking forward to hearing that victorious testimony.
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