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Article Title: Janny Grein Dies
Author of reported comment: L. Adams
Comment Date: 16:22 on May 8 2013
Comment: The Lord has been bringing "Wake up, O sleeper" from Ephesians 4:14 while praying for the body of Christ lately; to arise from the dead and for the zeal of the Lord to consume us. He brought back to mind Janny's songs which I became familiar with while attending Lakewood Church years ago. Janny and Bill used to come in the earlier days of that church to minister, we all loved her so. I hurriedly retrieved her CD and listened to "The Zeal of God" and literally the tears poured forth.........the anointing was still so strong on that album. She ministered; never entertained. Janny, a true psalmist always offered pure worship. As I have now found thru the internet about her home-going, my heart rejoices that's she's with her Beloved. I'm sure she continues to express herself in His presence with a fire that cannot be quenched.
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